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When we got back to the hotel I was going crazy, when we got in the car after walking out of Aly's house Alex said that Shadow was the one who had threatened me. But what she had said told all of us that Recole was my son and I had to understand that they were mad at me for what I had done to Aly, what really got to me was the way that my own son was talking to me. Standing up for his mother like a true alpha should, I really had to admit that Aly has raised him properly just like a true luna should raise the future alpha of the pack. When we were at a restaurant having lunch Alex phone rang and he looked at everyone, I nodded my head and he picked up putting it on the speaker.

"Hello" Alex said

"HELP, they are attacking mommy" Cole said

"Who is attacking mommy" Alex asked

"Three girls, they came and started to yell at mommy and now they are attacking her" Cole said

"Where are you right now" Ely said

"In the safe room in mommy's room, she told me to hid" Cole said

"Okay stay there we are on our way" Alex said

Just as we were getting in the car we heard a gun go off and Cole scream for Aly, Angelo stepped on the gas and started to drive as fast as he could without causing an accident. When we got to Aly's house it was surrounded by several wolves, we got out of the car and ran towards the house but were stopped by several men.

"What are you looking for here" One man said

"Move out of my way" I said in my alpha voice as I released my power so they would do as I wanted them to do so

"We are sorry alpha but we have orders to not let anyone in" the man said

"Roger let Alpha Vega through with his people" a man said walking towards us

"Thank you for letting us through, where is Aly and Cole" I asked

"Aly was rushed to the pack hospital with a bullet wound on her chest and we are still trying to find Cole" the man said

"We know where he is, he called us and were on the phone with him till just a few minutes ago" Eleonora said

"Thank goodness, my bad I'm alpha Florez please come in" alpha Florez said as we walked in

Once inside we all ran following Aly's scent to get to where Cole was and when we were in the room Alex took out his phone and called him.

"Hey Cole we are in your mommy's room, can you tell us where you are" Alex asked

"In the closet, on the floor is a door with a key pad" Cole said

"Okay found it, what is the code" Alex said

"081215" Cole said

He punched in the code and the door opened, Eleonora went in and got Cole in her arms when she turned around with him in her arms I saw a mark on his shoulder blade and when I moved his shirt as Eleonora rubbed his back to calm him down I saw that the mark was that of my pack with a full moon on it. I looked at everybody who had been looking at what I was doing and their eyes said it all, this was the confirmation that we needed to know that Cole was my son.

"Where is mommy" Cole asked

"Come on we will take you to her" alpha Florez said

We followed him out of the house just as Mike was arriving at the house, he looked at me as I looked at him neither one of us breaking eye contact.

"Mike stand down right now" alpha Florez said

"No father, I came for Cole to take him to Aly" Mike said

"That's where we were going when you got here" alpha Florez said

"We will take him to her in our car" I said

"No your not" Mike said

"Mike, he is his father and there is nothing we can do. I will not allow you to start something that may put the safety of the pack in danger, I don't want to finish something because you have feelings for someone who isn't your mate" alpha Florez

"Please alpha Vega get in your car and follow me to my pack, I will take you to your mate and luna of your pack" he added

We walked to our car and got in as we started to follow alpha Florez to his pack, I kept looking at Cole who was in Eleonora's arms as she continued to hold him and rubbing his back. When we got to the pack hospital you could tell that there was something that hadn't been told to alpha Florez, when he saw a doctor walking towards us with a very sad look on his face he motioned for us to follow as a nurse took Cole from Eleonora as the doctor assured me that he would be well taken care of.

"What is it Sergio" alpha Florez asked

"Sebastian, its not good news" this Sergio said

"What is going on with Aly" I asked

"Alpha Vega, the truth is that Luna Aly has been dying slowly and to be honest if it wasn't for the bullet wound that brought her back here we wouldn't have know until it was to late" Sergio said

"What are you saying Sergio, how can she be dying and didn't know about it" Sebastian asked

"Come with me and I will show you" Sergio said

By this time Eleonora was crying and Alex had tears running down his face while I was trying to wrap around what was told to us, when we got to a hospital room we saw Aly laying on the bed connected to several machines and a oxygen mask on.

"Look at her left ankle" Sergio said

We all walked towards her and we saw a large "L" shape scar and a "X" doing through it.

"What does this mean" I asked

"The "L" stands for Luna and the "X" means that she was either rejected or replaced by some one else, when I first saw it wasn't this big but with each passing hour it gets bigger and when it gets to the point that it is covering her ankle it will be to late to try and safe her" Sergio said

"And how can we safe her" Alex asked

"For what we have read, the only way to safe her is by mating and being marked by her mate" Sergio said

We looked towards Aly who was now awake and she looked at everybody, we didn't know how much she had heard of what was said. The doctor went to her and started to check her vitals, she never took her eyes off of me but you could tell that Shadow was also looking because one of her eyes was brown as the other was ice blue. The doctor left and we were left with her while he went and brought her something to drink and some pain killers, when he came back he gave Aly the pill and she drank it with the water before the doctor and alpha Florez left leaving us alone with her in the room.

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