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When Mike told me that Domenico and everybody else were at the beach, we got up and went to the boardwalk and got ice cream before heading to the house and while Aby left in her car Mike staid just incase anybody followed us to my house. After about two hours and no one came to my house Mike left and I was left alone in my house with Cole, he went to his room to take a nap while I started to make lunch for us when some one rang the bell. I lowered the heat on the stove and walked to the door passing by Cole's room and made sure he was still asleep, when I saw that he was still asleep I went to answer the door before who ever was here wake him up.

"Coming" I say as I hear the door ring one more

When I got to the door and opened it up I couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me was everybody I had left back in my past.

"Hey Aly" Alex said as he took a step forward as I took it back

"What are you all doing here" I asked as I looked at all of them

"Well we need to talk" Domenico said as he stepped in front of Alex

"You and me have nothing to talk about Domenico" I said as I looked at him

Just then Cole came in to the room rubbing the sleep from his eyes, when he was in front of me he hugged my legs before asking me to pick him up.

"Mommy I'm hungry" he said as he laid his head on the crook of my neck

"Give me a few minutes its almost ready" I said as I placed my hand over his face so Domenico couldn't see him

"Who is this little man" Alex asked as he stepped closer to me

Cole raised his head and looked at everybody who's eyes went wide, I placed him on the floor and he got behind me.

"Baby go back to your room and play while I finish cooking and talking to these nice people" I said without taking my eyes off of Domenico since he was the one I was more worried about.

"Okay mommy" Cole said as he ran to his room and closed the door like he always did when I had company over

I walked to the kitchen knowing damn well that everybody was right behind me, the hall way that led to the kitchen was covered with pictures of Cole from the day he was born up to the day we went to the zoo last weekend. When we got to the kitchen I went and checked on the food that was on the stove, when I saw that everything was fine I turned around and saw everybody standing on the other side of the island in the kitchen.

"Who is the little boy and why does he call you mommy" Alex asked

"Well his name is Recole and he is my son" I said

"Who is his father" Domenico asked

"What is it to you Domenico" I asked as I looked at him

"Is he my son and why cant we smell his scent" he asked me

"Well one you cant smell his scent because he is masking it" I said

"How does he know how to do that" Angelo asked

"Well maybe because he was taught to do that" I said

"Is he my son" Domenico asked in his alpha voice

"Even if you use your alpha voice on me Domenico it will not work, but all you have to know is that he is my son and doesn't have a father" I said

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