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When Aly got up and walked to where there were some pictures, I walked up to her and placed my hands around her waist and placed a small kiss on her soft spot where I should have left my mark the day we mated. The day she got pregnant with Cole, the day I have regret for so long and till this day I will continue to regret. When I had her on the sofa underneath of me, I continued my attack on her making her moan as she pulled my hair making me moan in approval which also made me hard instantly.

"Let me make you mine for ever" I say into her ear as I continued to kiss, lick and suck on her neck

"I'm afraid" she says between moan

"Of what baby, tell me what you are afraid of and I will make it go away" I say as continue to my attack

"Of getting hurt again" she says making me stop and look at her

"I promise that I will never hurt you again Aly, the day you left and I read the letter you left I went crazy trying to find you and when I was told that you were in New Mexico I left everything to go and get you back. Then when I saw Mike with his hand around your waist in that black dress that I wanted to rip off of you and take you in front of everybody so they knew that you were mine, it drove me crazy but if it weren't for the guys and your brother who held me back I would have ripped him to shreds when I saw you both kissing in your car and then when he kissed you before he laid down on your lap" I said only to see her laughing

"What's so funny of what I just said" I asked as she continued to laugh

"Before any of you saw me walking down from the office I gave Mike a sign that I always gave him when someone was hitting on me and wouldn't leave me alone, we never kissed in my car we were actually just talking but we had to make it look like we were because I wanted you to leave and never see you again. At the beach he did kiss me but it was on the corner of my lips and when he laid down on my lap, it was to tell me that he saw all of you close by and that's when we started to pack everything to go to the boardwalk to get ice cream and then head home" she said

"But Cole called him father" I said

"Because he has been like a father figure for him" she said

"He also said that you were going to be his luna" I said

"He hasn't found his mate and he will never find her but most likely he felt her death" she said

"And why is that" I asked

"Because I killed her" she said

"What, why would you do that" I asked as I got off of her with my eyes wide open

"Because her and her sisters attacked me in my house and shot me" she said

"Your saying that either Bennedeta, Bianca or Elena was his mate" I said

"Yes, he smelled her on me when he went to see me at the hospital after the doctor said he could go in" she said

"Did he know that you were going to take revenge on them" I asked

"Yes, he went to my house to get Cole and some clothing for both of us since we had decided that we were going to come back together and he was going to reject her before I took my revenge on them" she said

"Have you talked to him since you got here" I asked

"Yeah, he is going to try and move on with Aby. Even though she is human she knows about us since her cousin is mated to a were and she has always had a thing for him, they tried dating but he couldn't commit because of his hope of finding his mate and now that she is out of the picture there is nothing that can get in their happiness" she said

We continued to talk and before we knew it it was already really late, she said that I could stay in the guest room that was in front of Cole's room and we went to bed after she finish putting away the monopoly game that was on the coffee table. When she opened the door under the coffee table I saw that she had all my favorite games and when I asked her why she had all those games she said that Cole loved to play them it made me smile, I wondered what all what all we have in common besides loving to play all the same games.

As I laid on the bed wearing only my boxers, I couldn't stop thinking that I was just a door away from Aly and Cole. I started to remember the day I saw her at the café and the way that she was moaning underneath me when I was attacking her soft spot made me so hard that it started to give me blue balls, I then heard someone knock on my door and when I took a deep breath I closed my eyes as Aly's scent made my situation worse. I heard the door open and then close softly before hearing her walking towards the bed, when I felt the bed dip and her lay down next to me I turned and wrapped my hand around her waist making her back hit my front allowing her to feel how hard I was as I heard her let out a soft moan before I started to kiss the back of her neck and as I brought my hand up under her t-shirt I felt that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. Not any panties or bra, she was wearing nothing and at that moment I didn't hold myself any more as I turned her on her back and ripped her t-shirt off before taking my boxers of and I started to kiss her as I rubbed myself on her wet pussy making both of us moan. Tonight I was going to mate with my mate and I was going to mark her as mine so everybody knew that she was mine, I continued to kiss her and rubbing myself against her as we moaned and groaned.

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