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Last night was the best night in my life, having Aly in my arms as we mated and marked each other. When she was riding me I couldn't help but sit up and hold her in my arms, as I felt her kissing my neck I couldn't help but grab the back of her head and tangled my fingers in her hair as I fisted it and pulled it making her canines withdraw and held her on my neck until she bit down on me and marked me as hers. When I woke up in the morning she was already gone but the moment that I smelled blueberry pancakes I walked down stairs only to find out that Cole and I liked the same things on our pancakes and we liked to eat them with a glass of milk, what was really weird was that we both answered at the same time.

When we talked to Cole and told him that I wanted them to move to the pack house with me you could tell that he is very protective of Aly and that made me so proud, event though he was only five he was acting like a true alpha should be acting like. When we got to the pack house Alessandro, Eleonora, Edmundo, Angelo, Gavino, Aly's friends, my parents and the whole pack was there to meet us. When we got out of my family's garage I had my hand around Aly's waist as she was holding Cole's hand, I had a big smile on my face as I looked at everybody who was in front of us. Little by little everybody came and congratulated us and wished us the best, although there were others that where not as happy and I knew that I would have to keep an eye on.

We went inside to the pack house I took Aly to my room where we would be sleeping together, Cole would be in the room right across from us so we would be able to keep an eye on him. By dinner time Aly, Cole and I had played several games which by the way were Cole's and my favorite games. We went down to dinner and had small talk while we ate as some of the pack members wanted to know more about what Aly did while she was gone, after awhile they all started to ask Cole question about what he liked to do and what sports he played. The more that he answered their questions the more we realized how much he was like me, we had so many things in common. When we were sitting in the living room an old girlfriend that I had loved back in my younger years came in to the living room and sad on me placing her hands around my neck, I was so stunt that I didn't react on time before Cole and Aly had gotten up and walked out of the room with Edmundo, Eleonora and my parents right behind her.

By the time that I reacted it was to late, she had gotten in her car and drove away from the pack house. I figured that they would go back to her house but when I got there everything was turned off, I waited and waited until the sun was high in the sky and they never showed up. I went to the pack house to find Eleonora, Edmundo and my parents in the living room just by looking at them you could tell that they had been crying. My dad and Edmundo walked up to me and my dad grabbed me by the arm and lead me to his office activating the sound proof, when Edmundo closed and locked the door I was already sitting on the chair in front of my father as Edmundo was standing next to my fathers desk.

"What happened yesterday night, what were you thinking allowing Susana to sit on you and place her arms around your neck having your mate sitting next to you and your son in front of you" my father said

"I was caught off guard, I didn't expect her to come back and do what she did" I said

"I just have one question that we all have been asking ourselves since Aly left yesterday" Edmundo said

"What is it" I asked

"Did you just mark each other or did you mate with her" my father asked

"We mated and marked each other" I said as I looked at them

"You do you know that the first time she left was after you mated and you all found out you had a son" my father said

"I got to go find her, most likely she went back to New Mexico and that is where we are going to find her" I said as I got up and left

I went to my room and packed some clothing in a suitcase just as my bedroom door opened and Susana came in, when I told her to leave she wrapped her arms around me only for me to take her hands off of me just to close the suitcase and tell her that I wanted her gone by the time I got back with my mate and son which shocked her but I was in a hurry to leave and go find Aly and Cole. I walked down stairs to find everybody looking at me and when they saw Susana walking down the stairs right behind me you can tell they were so mad at her for what she had done, I told my parents that I was going to go find Aly and Cole but I wanted Susana gone and off the lands when I came back with them.

One of the pack members grabbed my suitcase and walked out the pack house, when I walked out my car was already in front and my suitcase was being placed in the truck. When I looked inside of my car Edmundo, Angelo and Gavino were already in the car waiting for me to get in and go find Aly and Cole. My mom asked that we kept them informed of what ever we find out about Aly and Cole, my father said that if we needed any more people to find them to let him know and he would sent as many people as I need to find them. We pulled out of the drive way and headed to New Mexico to find my mate and son, I just hope that they are there and I can explain what happened and convince them to come back with me to the pack.

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