Chapter Two

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It feels crazy.

The proposal of getting married to each other was so sudden but here they are riding on an airplane in the evening to Australia.

Chan decided for them to get married there, it'll be more free than having people recognizing them around.

Chan was a famous and a successful producer and the owner of JYP entertainment.

Minho was also known for being a best dance teacher and an owner of an entertainment too.

And they were both solo artist.

The marriage was already settled by Chan. It'll be just the both of them and after having their vows in the church he made sure he already listed mentally the places they will be going around Australia.

"Have you already cleared your schedule for two days?" Chan said as he squeezed Minho's hands.

"O, I already did." Minho answered faintly as he felt sleepy.

"Have some sleep it'll be a long night." Chan muttered before placing Minho's head on his shoulders.

No one knows where they are right now. No one knows what they're doing right now. No one literally knows they're getting married.

They didn't care but they would made sure to speak with their friends, family and to the public soon.

Chan rested his head on top of Minho's head and closed his eyes.


"Everything is happening right?" Minho asked as they were already walking out from the airport.

Chan chuckled, "It is Minho."

They rode on a taxi cab and settled on staying in a hotel.

"The designs of this hotel looks like the training buildings you have in Korea." Minho stated.

"I own it." Chan stated shortly.

Minho was dumbfounded. Chan didn't told him about this until now. He was confused why this guy he's been friends for awhile since college haven't told him about it.

"Yah, you didn't told me about this." Minho muttered jogging to catch up with Chan.

"I just did." Chan slyly answered before wiggling his brows to Minho.

Minho slapped him on his back and glared at him.

"Answer me properly you asshole." Minho muttered in his gritted teeth

Chan laughed, "It's supposed to be a surprise for eomma this coming December but you're the first one who knew about it."

"You're right I remembered your mother used to tell you to build a hotel once you become a successful entrepreneur." Minho said. "I really thought you forgot it."

"I would always listen to my parents." Chan muttered before leaning on the receptionist counter.

"Such a good boy." Minho stated.

The receptionist quickly greeted the two but she got immediately star strucked by recognizing the both of them.

"Welcome President Bang and Mr. Lee." She greeted in Korean and bowed her head.

Minho eyed him, Chan immediately mouthed 'what' and quickly muttered what he wanted to say to the lady.

"The room is ready, Sir." The receptionist stated before giving a key card.

Chan muttered a quick thank you before taking Minho's hand and walked to the elevator.

"Your employees recognizes us." Minho stated.

"Is that why you eyed me earlier?" Chan leaned his back on the elevator.


"Don't worry they won't say any words to anyone in Korea." Chan assured.

The elevator opened and they stepped out with Chan leading the way.

"This place is nice." Minho complimented as he looked to the designed in each corner.

"When we enter the room it'll be more fantastic." Chan grinned before sliding the card.

Chan pulled Minho inside and turned the lights on. The interior was amazing but what caught Minho's attention was the view.

"It's beautiful." He muttered as he gazed the busy city.

"This is my favorite room." Chan muttered and engulfed Minho into a hug from the back.

Minho suddenly yawned he still wanted to gaze the sun rising but Chan already told him for them to sleep already for them to take a proper rest.


"Morning, Sunshine." Chan said and showered Minho's face with kisses.

Minho giggled before stretching his body and faced Chan with wide smile.

"Good morning." He greeted back and watched the time. 9:00

"Breakfast in bed or we're going down?" Chan asked and sat up.

"Should we go to our usual place?" Minho suggested.

Chan didn't hesitate to say yes before they prepared themselves before going out.

They went down and used the business car of the hotel and drove to the place where they usually eats whenever they visit the country.

After having enough time for eating their breakfast they're finally going to church.

While driving to their destination Chan played Let's get Married by bleachers on the speaker and held Minho's hands tightly.

They glanced to each other and laughed happily.

When they arrived they were no people and the priest welcomed the both of them warmly.

Minho was feeling nervous but he knew Chan noticed it because he was squeezing his hands and glancing at him everytime.

The priest talked for awhile before telling them to wear their rings.

Minho got nervous when he remembered no one from the both of them bought any rings but when he glanced to Chan who took rings from his pockets he was relieved.

Chan gave the ring to Minho that he would be wearing to him. He had a quick glance on the ring and saw his name on it he raised his head and smiled widely to Chan.

Chan inserted the ring into Minho's ring finger on his right hand before Minho placed the ring into Chan's ring finger on his left hand.

"You may now kiss your husband."

A/N: Fact(s)
Flight time from Seoul, South Korea to Sydney, Australia is approximately 10 hours.

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