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Dear Mr. Kujo,

The Speedwagon Foundation has received word that a Stand user is currently residing in your area. Currently, we are unable to identify them.

Given the status of majority of the Stand users we have encountered, we highly urge caution. Good luck.


Jotaro gripped the letter tightly in his hands. Of course, he wasn't smiling, for Jotaro never smiled. Being vulgar, gruff, and monotone was second nature to him. He just awakened his Stand a few days ago, and almost immediately, he had to deal with this? Believing everything his grandfather had told him was already hard enough to begin with. No one can receive or process this much unbelievable information in such a short period of time. The tension between him and the Stand users of the world frightened him just a little bit, but of course, he wouldn't admit that to anyone.

"Damn it..." Jotaro said, clenching his fists. He crumpled the letter into a ball and tossed it into the bin, but completely missed. He didn't care, even as it ricocheted off the wall and landed in one corner of the room. Someone else would pick it up. Definitely not him.

He stood up and muttered a curse under his breath as he slipped his hat onto his head rather harshly and picked his school bag up from the area it sat on the floor. How much longer would he have to deal with the burden of being a Stand user? It was much more difficult then it looked. He didn't like the tremendous pressure the world was putting on him. If only things were different.

"Jotaro!" he heard his mother call from outside. Jotaro sighed in resentment. He hated how his mother would kiss him on his way to school every morning. He hated how she would throw herself on him and hug him, despite knowing he hated it. He hated how she would smile at him and act overly optimistic, acting like she was oblivious of who he was. He hated how she pretended like Jotaro wanted to be loved.

Jotaro didn't deserve to be loved.

"Jeez, woman, I'm coming!" Jotaro called out. He didn't know why he was so full of rage all the time. The Jotaro from a few years ago was a part of him that Jotaro denied completely. He couldn't believe that he was just like everybody else. Normal. Happy. He couldn't even remember when he took a sudden turn towards rude, vulgar, and quite abrasive. It was just a few years ago. Why couldn't he remember it? Why can't he remember anything?

The fact that he was so uninformed about his own life pissed him off. He hated how the world had to be so unforgiving. He hated how everyone else got to experience joy and laughter, while he had to deal with the burden of being constantly irritated by the people in his life. Even worse, the people who cared deeply about him.

Instead of heading to the dining area, Jotaro made his way out of the house, slipping on his shoes as fast as he could. Of all the mornings his mother could've chosen to annoy the fuck out of him, it had to be this morning. Screw it, he wasn't having breakfast. He would rather starve himself then put up with her bullshit. He didn't even yell that he was leaving. He just left, without a word. Without a trace. It was seven a.m in the morning. It's way too early to deal with her.

"Jotaro!" his mother called out. "You're not eating breakfast?"

Great. Now you've done it.

For some reason, Jotaro was tempted to just scream at her, but then he managed to control himself. She didn't deserve to be yelled at. If there was anyone who deserved to be treated like shit, it was him. He knew his mother just wanted the best for him. The fact that he managed to avoid his mother and her annoying kissing made him feel a little bit better.

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