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Kakyoin returned to Jotaro's house about an hour after he left. He had changed out of his school uniform and was now wearing his usual white scarf and a green coat over a white button down with a cherry embroidered on the front pocket, and a small dark grey cap. Jotaro felt giddy with excitement the moment he heard Kakyoin's voice on the other side of the door. "Sorry for the intrusion!"

Jotaro made his way towards the door and slid it open, where he saw Kakyoin standing on his doorstep, smiling. "Hi, Jotaro."

"Hi." Jotaro replied. "You were quick."

Kakyoin shrugged as he took off his shoes. "You should get ready, Jotaro."

"Alright." Jotaro said as he made his way to his room with Kakyoin following behind him. As he rummaged through his closet, Kakyoin sat on his bed, kicking the air as his legs moved back and forth, as he rambled on endlessly about his 'low' test score. Jotaro nodded along as if he was listening, and made his way into the bathroom just as Kakyoin stopped talking. He slid the door shut and sighed as he stripped down his clothes and stepped into the shower.

Once he finished, he wiped himself down with a towel, and as he reached for his clothes, he noticed he was missing one important thing. His underwear.

He muttered a curse under his breath and wrapped himself in his towel and hesitated for a moment before sliding open the door just enough to poor his head out.

Kakyoin was seated at the edge of Jotaro's bed, staring out the window as he hummed a soft melody. He whipped around the moment he noticed Jotaro staring at him. "What is it?" he asked Jotaro. He blushed the moment he saw that Jotaro had no clothes on, despite their sexual tension a few days ago.

"I, er... kind of forgot to get a pair of briefs." Jotaro said, his voice faint from embarrassment. "For fuck's sake..."

Kakyoin blushed as he rummaged through Jotaro's closet rather carefully, not wanting to mess it up. Kakyoin had always been very organised. He handed Jotaro a pair and both boys felt heat emanating from each other as their fingers touched for less then a second.

"T-Thanks..." Jotaro said, his cheeks still red. Kakyoin smiled politely as he backed away. Jotaro slid the door shut, cursing himself for not thoroughly checking his clothes pile before stepping into the bathroom.

When Jotaro came out, Kakyoin had picked up a novel and was skimming through the pages, unaware that Jotaro had stepped out of the bathroom. He flinched when Jotaro put his hand on his shoulder. "I didn't see you come out."

"Whatever." Jotaro said, placing his hat on his head. "Now that I'm finished, let's head out."

Kakyoin stood up and followed Jotaro out the door. "I can't believe you're still wearing your hat." he said. "What are you trying to do? Hide yourself?"

Jotaro shrugged. "I don't know. For some reason, it makes feel a little safer." he smiled as he pulled his hat brim down lower. "I don't know why. It's kind of superstitious I guess."

"I see." Kakyoin said as he turned away and walked on forward. "That's nice again. I don't really have anything that makes me feel safe. Except you, maybe." he smiled.

Jotaro blushed as they stepped out of the house and into the garden after putting on their shoes. Prior to eating breakfast, the two had discussed their plans for that day. Kakyoin proposed they go to the arcade, and Jotaro didn't bother to argue with Kakyoin's suggestion. Afterwards, they planned to have lunch, then to hit the bookstore. Jotaro also proposed that they have dinner out, to which Kakyoin agreed. Jotaro knew their planning was perfect, and was very much looking forward to it.

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