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They returned to Jotaro's house late at night. Kakyoin decided he would spend the night, and knew that Holly wouldn't mind. Jotaro unlocked the door and stepped in, not bothering to switch on the lights. Jotaro preferred dark environments.

Kakyoin slipped off his shoes and took some wobbly steps forward as he made his way to Jotaro's bedroom, with Jotaro trailing closely behind him. Kakyoin was exhausted and could probably use some more sleep.

"Hey, Kakyoin." Jotaro said. "You didn't pack a luggage or anything." he walked over to his closet. "Do you-?"

"No thanks." Kakyoin said, his voice trailing off. "It's fine. I can sleep in this." he took off his winter coat, let it drop to the floor, and collapsed into one side of Jotaro's bed. "Sorry... I'll pick it up tomorrow." some soft snores escaped from his mouth immediately after, and Jotaro chuckled as he picked up Kakyoin's coat and hung it on his desk chair. He noticed Kakyoin fidgeting with his scarf a little bit despite being asleep.

He stretched himself out as he took off his jacket. Seeing Kakyoin, he wrapped his jacket around him once again, and covered Kakyoin with his blanket. He didn't care that he would be sleeping without a blanket tonight. Jotaro got into bed next to Kakyoin and lay on his side, staring at the wall blankly, counting down the minutes until morning.

Jotaro was used to lying in bed awake, but his thoughts were often filled with frustration and despair. Thinking all these happy thoughts wasn't something he could get used to so easily. The fact that there was another boy in bed with him made him feel a bit nervous, but he tried to think positive thoughts of the following morning to calm himself down.

He looked to his right and saw the slow-in, slow-out rising and falling of Kakyoin's chest, and was tempted to just move over and kiss him, but he stopped himself. He didn't want to wake Kakyoin up. He was sound asleep, and he looked so peaceful. Jotaro didn't want to ruin that peace.

He turned away and glanced at the ceiling as mundane thoughts filled his head. There was quite a lot of things he wanted to do now that he and Kakyoin were finally in a relationship. He realised that they had barely even knew each other for months, and yet they felt so compatible with each other. Love truly was a strange thing.

The room grew dead quiet, and it was then that Jotaro realised that Kakyoin was no longer asleep. He was obviously sleepy, as he wasn't moving an inch, but he was definitely awake. Jotaro felt the need to say something, but didn't allow himself to. He could hear Kakyoin's shallow breathing from beside him.

"Jotaro..." Kakyoin whispered softly as he turned over. Jotaro felt Kakyoin's fingers tapping his back gently. He turned around.

"Yeah?" he straightened the collar of his jacket despite them lying in bed. Kakyoin blushed.

"Err... nothing. I just thought not breaking the silence would be awkward." Kakyoin said. He sounded sleepy. "I don't know. I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." He sheepishly played with the end of his green gakuran as Jotaro smiled.

"Yeah... thought about doing that too. I thought it would be awkward."

"Well it is." Kakyoin replied. "I feel kind of awkward."

"It'd be awkward if you didn't feel awkward now." Jotaro said as their fingers touched. Kakyoin chuckled.

"You're too damn cute." Jotaro said as his cheeks flushed. He gritted his teeth and embarrassment.

Kakyoin moved closer towards him, until their knees were touching. Kakyoin's hands were now running along Jotaro's chest, and his heart was positively racing. He could feel the warmth of Kakyoin's fingers through his shirt. Eventually, Kakyoin's movements slowed to stop, and he fell asleep once more, digging into Jotaro just a little bit. Jotaro wrapped his arms around him.

He didn't know if anyone else felt the same way he did with Kakyoin. Jotaro was a stranger to love, and never in his life did he feel love towards anyone. It was only Kakyoin, it would always be Kakyoin, and it would forever be Kakyoin. Kakyoin was all he ever needed to be happy.

His eyes began to droop slowly, and he focused his gaze on Kakyoin. He looked so comfortable in Jotaro's arms.

Finally, he allowed sleep to take him, and with that, there was only darkness. But this time he was no longer alone.

• • •

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw that he was face-to-face with a pair of familiar purple eyes, which were staring at him curiously like an innocent child.

"Good morning." Jotaro said.

"Hi." Kakyoin replied with a smile.

"I think I want to lie in bed more. It's Saturday anyway."


Kakyoin wrapped Jotaro's jacket tighter around himself. "It's quite cold."

"Well this is what you get for being too damn skinny." Jotaro teased. "But then it's weird, because you've still got quite a lot of muscles."

Kakyoin smiled as he materialised Hierophant Green. "I guess it's from the amount of training I did to master my Hierophant."

Jotaro chuckled. "Probably." He reached out and played with Kakyoin's noodle-like strand. Kakyoin didn't mind one bit, and so did Jotaro when Kakyoin reached out and snatched Jotaro's hat, and put it on his head.

"Move, bitch." Kakyoin said in a gruff voice. "My mother is damn annoying." He giggled at Jotaro as he shot him a mischievous grin.

Jotaro scowled, and in an attempt to make his voice as higher as he can, he said, "Hey, Jotaro, did you know that dolphins can live longer then 20 years depending on their species?" then lowering his voice, he added, "Yeah, but who the fuck asked? You're such a nerd."

Kakyoin looked hurt. "I'm not a nerd, damn it!"

"Oh shut up, you're like the nerdiest person I know." Jotaro said, and smiled. "But for some reason, that kind of makes you seem more adorable."

Kakyoin blushed. "Y-You think that?"

Jotaro shrugged. "You'll always be nothing but adorable to me."

Kakyoin's cheeks grew even redder.

"Look who's blushing."

"Hey! It's not my fault you're so good-looking and have such a cool voice!" Kakyoin interjected. He pulled Jotaro closer to him and hugged him tightly.

"We should have breakfast." Jotaro said.

"We should." Kakyoin replied with a smile as they rose out of bed. Kakyoin took off Jotaro's hat and jacket and handed them back to him, and stretched himself out as he yawned. Jotaro slid open the door, and with that, they made their way out and the door and into the hall, and Jotaro couldn't help but feel excited about the perfect day that was only hours away.

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