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Jotaro was very much looking forward to this morning. As usual, Kakyoin arrived at his door to pick him up in the morning, and of course, given their moment in the quiet rain the previous day, he was in a very good mood. Winter had arrived unexpectedly, and Kakyoin was wearing an oversized green winter coat and his usual white scarf which was wrapped around his neck.

"Hi!" he called out as soon as Jotaro opened the door to let him in. "Sorry for the intrusion!"

"You don't have to say that all the time, you damn nerd." Jotaro muttered as Kakyoin stepped into his house after taking off his shoes.

"I would appreciate if you stopped calling me a nerd." Kakyoin said with a look of hurt on his face as he slid open the door to the dining area.

"Kakyoin!" Holly said with a smile. "I didn't hear you come in!"

"My apologies, Holly-san!" Kakyoin said with a small bow. "I just came here to say hello. Jotaro and I will be on our way."

"Hold on a moment, will you?" Holly said suddenly. "I have something for you."

Kakyoin cocked his head in confusion. "What is it?"

She turned around holding a small wooden box wrapped in rabbit print with a red string tied around the sides. "Jotaro told me you like them."

Kakyoin undid the string, and inside the box, he found several bright red cherries. His mouth watered at the sight, and he smiled as he resealed the box. "Thank you, Holly-san!"

Holly smiled sweetly. "Actually it was Jotaro's idea. You're here so often Kakyoin, it's like having a second son!" she squealed excitedly, causing Jotaro to scowl. Kakyoin smiled as he thanked Jotaro for the cherries, and after Holly gave Jotaro his usual goodbye kiss, they were soon on their way.

"You know, when I first met you, I didn't think you were such a big softie." Kakyoin joked as they walked to school.

Jotaro slapped him on the back playfully as Kakyoin giggled. "Stop laughing."

"All right... fine." Kakyoin said as his laughter died to a stop. However, Jotaro noticed he was still smiling as he stared into the blue sky above, illuminated by the bright white light of the radiant sun.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." Kakyoin said with a smile. "It hasn't been long, but it feels like I've known you for years."

"I can say the same."

Kakyoin leaned into Jotaro as they walked. For once, no girls followed them to school. Maybe they realised that Jotaro had fallen hopelessly in love with Kakyoin, which he did. There was absolutely nothing that could break them apart.

Jotaro felt Kakyoin's fingers worming their way into his hands, and allowed Kakyoin to grip his hands rather tightly. Despite its tightness, his grip was, as usual, soft and gentle. He noticed Kakyoin's eyes starting to close just a little bit as he leaned in further and rested his head on Jotaro's shoulders. Jotaro stopped short, and turned to glance at Kakyoin.

"Sorry..." Kakyoin whispered with a slight grin. "I don't think I got enough sleep last night."

"It's fine." Jotaro said. "Come here."

He lifted Kakyoin up bridal style and watched as he closed his eyes. He noticed a bench on the pavement, and made his way towards it and sat down, setting Kakyoin down carefully next to him. Kakyoin slumped sideways and fell onto Jotaro's shoulders, asleep, completely unaware of the world around him.

Jotaro thought he could live with this for the rest of his life. Even though he was holding Kakyoin up, he felt more then happy to do so. He looked so peaceful.

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