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The moment Jotaro arrived home, he couldn't help but think of Kakyoin, and the exact words he was saying to his parents at the moment. He felt his heart race as Holly popped into the room to greet him. Before she could open his mouth however, Jotaro opened his.

"Mom, I need to tell you something."

Holly recognised the seriousness in his voice and smiled. "You can tell me anything, honey. What is it?"

Jotaro hesitated for a moment, and he had severe difficulty in getting this next sentence out.

"I'm in love with someone. And this someone loves me." Jotaro felt himself blushing. He looked down at his feet, but his eyes landed on Holly, who looked stunned.

At that Holly brightened up enthusiastically. "Yay! You must really like her, Jotaro! Who is it?"

Her. Jotaro felt sweat forming on his neck and on the sides of his temples.

"It's a guy."

At this Holly fell silent, the smile disappeared from her face for a second, which hurt Jotaro quite a bit. He felt like an idiot.

Holly noticed his shoulders drop, and ran over to hug him. Jotaro was surprised for a second, and for once in his life, he didn't pull away. Holly smiled. "Whether you like boys or girls, you're always going to be mommy's boy." she said reassuringly.


Holly pulled away. "So who's the lucky boy?" she asked excitedly.

"Should be obvious."

Holly remained silent for a moment, but then a huge smile spread across her face. Excitedly, she blurted out, "Oooh! It's Kakyoin, isn't it?!"

Jotaro nodded in embarrassment as Holly cheered once again. "I'm so happy for you two!" She threw herself onto Jotaro again as he scowled in frustration and disgust. "Kakyoin is such a sweet boy, Jotaro! I do hope you two make each other happy!"

Jotaro smiled, as he dug his face into Holly's shoulder, feeling comforted by her warmth. "Of course."

Jotaro wanted nothing more then to have Kakyoin by his side. He wanted to tell Kakyoin about how it went. He wanted to hear what Kakyoin's parents thought about his relationship. He wanted to be near Kakyoin, wanted to hold his hand. He wanted to take in his refreshing scent, and run his fingers through his hair while they sat atop a grassy hill and gazed into the radiant sun. Kakyoin. He wanted Kakyoin.


"Mom, I have to go. I'll be back really quick, I swear." Jotaro said. He opened the door, but found it was raining. Hard.

"Oh, Jotaro, let me get you an umbrella-"

"No." Jotaro said, as he stepped out into the rain, feeling the wetness seep through through his uniform as he felt coolness all over his body. "I don't need it."

He ran out into the rain as Holly called out for him. He didn't care that if he slipped, he would seriously hurt himself. He didn't care about anything else.

As if by coincidence, he bumped into Kakyoin, who was sopping wet from running out in the rain. The two fell onto the floor, but didn't feel any pain at all. He didn't bother asking Kakyoin how it went, as Kakyoin was already pulling his lips towards his own.

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