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The next two weeks passed by in a flash, and Jotaro couldn't be more thrilled about it. Unlike before, his mornings were now filled with excitement of him wanting to keep Kakyoin company, but of course, he would never reveal his excitement to anyone. Jotaro was quite astonished at how much better Kakyoin had been making him feel, and for that he longed desperately to be with him.

This morning started out like any other. As Jotaro was busy fixing his hair, he heard the all-too-familiar voice of Kakyoin calling out, "Sorry for the intrusion!" which hinted that Kakyoin had just arrived. As Jotaro tended to oversleep, Kakyoin had stared coming over to his place to wake him up and walk him to school.

There was a soft knock on his door, followed by Kakyoin's voice. "Jotaro?"

"Come in." Jotaro said, slipping his hat onto his head and sneaking one last look at the mirror before turning to face Kakyoin, who was standing by his bathroom's doorway, playing with the edge of his green gakuran. He smiled as he gave Jotaro a wave. "How's your morning?"

"Fine." Jotaro replied, putting on his jacket and picking his school bag up from the floor. "Spent last night finishing my homework. Ended up sleeping past twelve." He groaned as he added, "Damn it..."

Kakyoin frowned. "Why didn't you just let me do it for you? I thought you never did your homework." he huffed, sounding disappointed. Unlike Jotaro, Kakyoin actually found pleasure in doing his schoolwork.

"Well I don't." Jotaro replied. "I just wanted to lighten the load on your shoulders is all." He yawned as he walked over to the door and slid it open. "Have you eaten breakfast? If not, you can have half of my share."

"That's nice of you, but no thanks." Kakyoin said with a smile as he followed Jotaro out the door, humming a catch from a song which Jotaro recognised from the radio.

Jotaro finished his breakfast in under five minutes, only to be scolded by Kakyoin, who explained that eating too quickly could result in indigestion, to which Jotaro replied that he didn't give a damn. The two made their way to the door and began slipping on their shoes. Kakyoin seemed to have forgotten about his scolding.

"We'll be on our way then, Holly-san!" Kakyoin said with a smile rather enthusiastically. He shot Jotaro a stern look. "You should say bye to your mom, Jotaro."

Jotaro smirked. "Hell no." He picked his school bag up from the floor and made his way out of the house as Kakyoin followed after him, not bothering to stop him from making his escape.

As usual, their morning walk started out quiet, peaceful, and undisturbed, but the closer they got to the school, the larger the crowd of girls behind them grew. Jotaro had his own large group of fangirls, but he definitely wouldn't refer to them as that. While all of them seemed to be madly in love with him, Jotaro didn't seem to care less about what happened to them. He merely found them to be loud, insignificant, and incredibly irritating.

"You're so popular, Jotaro." Kakyoin said with a smirk. "Shouldn't you have a girlfriend by now?"

Jotaro wanted to laugh. He knew for a fact that he would never have a girlfriend, because he never interacted with women in the first place. The only woman who he was actually capable of dealing with was Holly, but even then their relationship definitely wasn't friendly. While Holly tried desperately to get Jotaro to open up to her, all Jotaro ever did was repulse her.

"No." Jotaro replied. "You know I'm never going to get a girlfriend. For fuck's sake, Kakyoin, you know I hate girls. They're annoying as fuck."

"I'm just glad you didn't refer to girls as bitches this time." Kakyoin joked. "That's new."

Jotaro scoffed as he shook off a girl who had latched on to his arm. Of course, the girl was unfazed by his rudeness, and the fact that Jotaro had shook her off only seemed to please her more. "Well to me they'll still be nothing but bitches."

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