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Kakyoin never really minded being around a lot of people, as long as he was left alone. Unfortunately, being in a room full of people he didn't know at all was completely different. He could feel every eye in the room on him, and the fact that he preferred keeping to himself and hated receiving attention certainly didn't help with that fact.

Even when his teacher entered the room, none of the eyes left him. Technically speaking, they did for a few seconds, with people looking away only to whisper something to their peers. It wouldn't take a genius to know that they were whispering about him. Feeling like he didn't belong in the room, Kakyoin looked down at his own hands, feeling sweat forming on the sides of his temples. He bit his lip, trying his best to focus his glare on his desk, and on his desk alone. Making eye contact with anyone, even just for a second, would only make things worse. Why did he have to be so damn pathetic?

"As I'm sure you've all seen, we have a new student joining us today." he heard his teacher say, as he glanced up to see his teacher looking at him expectantly. At that moment, all eyes in the room were on him again, and all Kakyoin felt at that moment was everyone's gaze piercing through his hopeless soul.

Wanting nothing more then to disappear, Kakyoin slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the room. As he grabbed some chalk to write his name on the blackboard, he felt that he would crush it underneath his grip. Calm down, he thought to himself. He closed his eyes as he wrote his name on the blackboard, feeling a twisted sort of feeling in his gut. Swallowing hard as he turned around, he stared at every eye in the room, nervously opening his mouth to speak.

"I'm Noriaki Kakyoin, and I just transferred here today." he said, trying his very best to sound confident. "It's a pleasure to meet you." he smiled, and bowed politely. He wasn't surprised when the room grew completely silent. He was a bit traumatised at the feeling of having so many eyes on him, but he begged his soul to keep him standing in position.

It took a few moments before he realised that his teacher was telling him that he could return to his seat, and when he did, there was a small outbreak of laughter, before the room fell silent. Kakyoin felt his cheeks warm up as he reached into his school bag for his books.

Kakyoin glanced at the clock. Barely ten minutes had passed.

This was going to be a long day.

• • •

Lunchtime was exactly as Kakyoin predicted. Unlike everyone else, he found himself alone. And to make things worse, every table in the lunchroom was occupied.

Kakyoin stood by the door looking like an idiot, clutching his lunch in one hand and staring at the lunchroom in an attempt to find an empty seat, knowing all too well that there was none left. There was only one thing left to do, and that would be to eat on the roof deck. He sighed as he dragged himself up the stairs, the weight of his body seemingly getting heavier with each step.

The roof deck was empty, aside from a boy sitting alone on a bench. As Kakyoin inched closer, he could see that the boy was dressed all in black, and was wearing a hat that was awfully familiar.

It was Jotaro. By some coincidence, Jotaro had also decided to eat his lunch on the roof deck. The bench being the only one in the area, he swallowed hard as he made his way to the bench where Jotaro sat.

Without saying a word, Jotaro moved to the side to let Kakyoin sit. His legs brushed Kakyoin's for just a moment, and the heat in his cheeks greatly intensified. He pulled his hat brim lower as usual to hide how red his cheeks were.

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