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Jotaro continued to stare at Kakyoin as he slowly walked towards the bench, looking as if he could not believe that Kakyoin had actually decided to show up. He swallowed hard as Kakyoin sat down on the bench next to him, looking terrified.

"So... about this morning..."

"I love you." Kakyoin said suddenly. "I love you and I can't lie, because it's impossible to hide it, and because I am hopelessly, irrevocably in love with you, and I can't keep something this big and powerful within myself forever." He turned to face Jotaro, feeling his cheeks warming up. "And I want to spend the rest of my life... with you, and just you alone. Nobody else, but you." he finished, wanting nothing more then to disappear. He had never said anything so cliche in his life. It sounded so cheesy he thought that Jotaro wouldn't believe it. After all, Kakyoin had never been great at admitting his feelings. Once again, he felt tears in his eyes.

He felt Jotaro's fingers touch his chin, and he turned around, feeling his cheeks warm up even more as he gazed into Jotaro's deep blue ocean-like eyes. This wasn't just a look of sympathy or compassion. It was love. His heart was positively racing as Jotaro drew closer.



He couldn't wait to feel Jotaro's lips on his own.

This time, he didn't move back. He didn't run away. In fact, he came closer. He felt his lips move closer towards Jotaro's, as if bound by some unknown connection.

"Don't cry, damn it." Jotaro whispered, his voice soft and gentle. He stared into Kakyoin's wet eyes, and a genuine smile replaced his blank expression.

"Sorry." Kakyoin apologised, his voice still soft. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise." Jotaro said softly, as his lips touched Kakyoin's. Kakyoin flinched, and cherished the moment where his lips were on Jotaro's, and he was amazed at how soft they were. He could kiss Jotaro for days. Years. He closed his eyes. Their lips fit together perfectly as if they were puzzle pieces connecting their love. He reached out and clutched Kakyoin's long noodle-like strand of hair with his fingers, playing with it in between his fingers. His hair was so soft, it was almost unreal.

Jotaro pulled away slowly, and his expression was gentle. Kakyoin's tear-filled eyes glimmered underneath the shade of the wall behind them, and no tears fell. Kakyoin felt as though he was the happiest man on the planet.

"I love you." Jotaro whispered.

"I love you more." Kakyoin said with a sly grin.

"Shut the fuck up." Jotaro snapped, leaning in to kiss Kakyoin on the cheek. He was smiling as he pulled away. "I'm so glad..."

"Me too."

They sat there, unmoving, staring at their partner's eyes with lovesick obsession. This was perfect. Whatever it is they had, it was meant to be. Kakyoin couldn't wait for whatever it was that was going to happen after today, but he definitely couldn't wait for it.

"Hey, Kakyoin, is red your natural hair colour?" Jotaro asked him, his voice barely a whisper. His voice was soft and had a tone of genuine curiosity to it, which was rare.

Kakyoin merely smiled. "That information is classified." His fingers slowly stroked Jotaro's cheek, and at that moment, Jotaro felt his whole body warming up. Especially around his crotch. He blushed intensely as Kakyoin stared at him in curiosity. "What is it?"

"N-Nothing." Jotaro said dismissively, but maybe too dismissively, as Kakyoin shot him a skeptical look. Jotaro placed his lunchbox over his lap to hide his crotch from view. It was too early for this.

Kakyoin cocked his head in concern. "Jotaro, I can practically feel heat emanating from you." he touched Jotaro's forehead. "You're warm. Do you need me to bring you home?"

"No, I'm fine." Jotaro replied, bringing his thighs closer to each other. "Trust me."

Kakyoin shook his head. "No, I'm bringing you home." he said, but then he got a mischievous glint in his eyes. "If you want... we can continue whatever this is tomorrow..."

Jotaro nodded, as Kakyoin grabbed his hand gently and pulled him up. Jotaro was clearly shaken by how soft Kakyoin's hands were. They were so gentle. So kind. Jotaro held his lunchbox in front of his crotch in embarrassment as Kakyoin dragged him down the stairs, for once in his life actually praying to God that Kakyoin didn't notice.

Kakyoin went into his room and collected his school bag, and went into Jotaro's and collected his as well. Then he went over to the locker room and began packing his things back into his locker. Once the pair finished packing up their belongings, they changed out of their school shoes and proceeded to take their usual 20 minute walk back to Jotaro's house.

"You're too nice, damn it." Jotaro said with a blush. Kakyoin smiled.

"Thanks." he said, and in a rather flirtatious tone, he replied, "I'm pretty good at it."

Jotaro chuckled. "I can tell."

They arrived in Jotaro's house, where Holly was busy sweeping the floor near the door. She looked surprised when she saw both Jotaro and Kakyoin stepping in through the gate.

"You're home early! Is something wrong?" she asked Kakyoin, worry creasing her eyebrows. She tended to ask Kakyoin things more often then Jotaro, as Jotaro never really bothered to tell her anything.

"Ah, Jotaro wasn't feeling well, so I took him home." Kakyoin said with a smile. "You don't have to worry about anything, Holly-san. I can take care of him until you finish your housework."

Holly smiled enthusiastically. "You're too sweet, Kakyoin!" she walked over and pinched Jotaro's cheeks playfully. "Once mommy's done with her chores, she'll make you some soup, 'kay?"

Jotaro rolled his eyes in response and nodded as Kakyoin dragged him into his room, telling Holly that he would see her later.

"Jotaro, don't lean into me too much. You're kind of heavy." Kakyoin said, his voice strained. "No offence."

"None taken." Jotaro said, as he stood up, lightening the load on Kakyoin's shoulders. He walked into the room as Kakyoin helped him get into bed. He watched as Kakyoin stretched out his arms and moved his desk chair to the side of the bed and flopped down onto it.

"Do you want me to stay here, or are you okay with me going back to school?" Kakyoin asked him.

"Please stay here." Jotaro said, a hint of desperation evident in his voice. "I need you."

"All right." Kakyoin said with a soft smile.

"Sit in bed with me." Jotaro whispered. Kakyoin flinched, but moved to sit on the bed with him anyway.

"I'm not actually sick."

Kakyoin looked confused.

At that moment, Jotaro pulled Kakyoin closer to him, and forced his lips onto Kakyoin's. Kakyoin's eyes widened just a little bit, but he didn't pull away. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot.

He felt Jotaro taking off his jacket, and unbuttoning his green gakuran. Kakyoin didn't mind one bit.

He felt Jotaro's hands move up his shirt and start to feel his chest up, and Kakyoin allowed his own hands to creep up Jotaro's muscular chest. The two didn't pull away, in fact, despite their lips already touching, they only appeared to be coming closer to each other.

"Jotaro- you're too close." Kakyoin huffed, as Jotaro's hands started to go lower.

"Sorry, sorry." Jotaro said, scooting backwards a bit more. "You're surprisingly muscular despite being skinny as hell."

Kakyoin blushed as he felt Jotaro's hands start to unzip his pants.

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