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The sun had already sunk beneath the surface of the horizon, and the room was quite dark, the only source of illumination being the desk lamp which Kakyoin had turned on only minutes ago. He couldn't see Jotaro's face very clearly from where he sat due to the darkness, so he had withdrawn his Stand, Hierophant Green, to get a closer look at Jotaro. He didn't want to turn on the lights, as it would probably disturb Jotaro while he was sleeping. He smiled as he peered into Jotaro's face. He looked so adorable when he was asleep. He also got the chance to see Jotaro without his hat on, and was surprised at how bushy his hair looked. He was tempted to reach out and touch it, but then managed to control himself.

Kakyoin turned back to face his sketchbook. He was almost done with his piece, and was adding some last minute details. In a few minutes, he would probably be ready to show Jotaro his finished artwork. He felt somewhat exhilarated to show Jotaro his work. Even though he barely knew Jotaro, he felt that Jotaro would be complacent with his masterpiece. This thought made him smile.

As he was about to add a few more details, he noticed that Jotaro was starting to wake up. He withdrew his Stand subconsciously as Jotaro slowly opened his eyes, Kakyoin rose from his seat and stood over Jotaro, smiling. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

"What time is it?" Jotaro asked, his voice low and gravelly. He rubbed his eyes as he slowly elevated himself from the ground with his arms stretched out behind him.

Kakyoin glanced at the clock. "It's almost seven." He straightened himself out just as Jotaro was starting to get out of bed, and made his way towards the door, sliding it open and allowing the lights in the hallway to stream into the room. "Let's have dinner."

"Right." Jotaro replied, standing up and carefully slipping his hat back onto his head.

The lights in the dining area were already turned on, and Jotaro was pleasantly surprised to find the mouth-watering aroma of freshly cooked food waiting on the table for him. He didn't realise that Kakyoin had gotten takeout.

"When did you get all this?" Jotaro asked him as Kakyoin rummaged through the utensils in one of the kitchen drawers.

"Oh, that." Kakyoin said. "Holly wasn't home yet, and I'm a terrible cook, so I had some food delivered to your place. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't." Jotaro said, already digging into his portion just as Kakyoin was returning to the dining table. He smiled.

"Looks like someone's hungry." Kakyoin teased, sitting down next to Jotaro.

"Shut the fuck up." Jotaro said. Despite his vulgar response, his tone of voice didn't sound the least bit threatening.

Kakyoin chuckled as he started to down the contents of his takeout box. "You know, Jotaro, your pettiness makes you so adorable."

Jotaro felt himself blush again. He hated the fact that Kakyoin calling him adorable made him feel better about himself, and he hated it even more considering the fact that he wanted Kakyoin to call him adorable again. He had a lot of pragmatic commendations for Kakyoin, but he would never be brave enough to admit them. Just thinking gratifying thoughts about Kakyoin alone made him blush, even though no one could hear his thoughts other then himself. He also very much hated how the thoughts in his head about Kakyoin also happened to be the ones that screamed the loudest.

It was the only thing he didn't understand. He had just met Kakyoin today, so why was he so crazy for him? Maybe it was the way he smiled, which was just way too veritable and way too bright. Maybe it was those dreamy purple eyes which had only kindness behind them. Maybe it was his auburn cherry-red hair, with strands that could compare with even the softest of feathers. Or perhaps it was the way his cheeks would blush whenever he felt sheepish, which was just way beyond adorable.

Too wary of being caught red-handed blushing at Kakyoin again, he cleared the thoughts from his head and focused his gaze on his meal.

"Anything on your mind, Jotaro?" Kakyoin asked, staring fixedly at Jotaro. "You have this intense look in your eyes."

"It's nothing, trust me." Jotaro replied, attempting to hide his cheeks from Kakyoin, which turned out to be a demanding task, as Kakyoin's adorable look of curiosity only fanned the flames to his blushing.

"All right then." Kakyoin replied, continuing to down the contents of his takeout box.

Jotaro had never really payed much attention to his surroundings or the people around him, but he definitely payed quite a lot attention to Kakyoin, as he noticed that Kakyoin actually did smile quite a lot, for no reason at all. It was quite nerdy, but at the same time he found to to be engagingly adorable. Maybe it was just his idea of being polite. Jotaro rarely smiled. He didn't see the point of wasting his energy on 'showing off his stupid ass teeth.' But right now, all he wanted to do was to stare at Kakyoin's bewitching smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kakyoin asked Jotaro, and there was a hint of concern in his voice. It was exceedingly kind, and his voice was soft and gentle. Just by hearing his words, Jotaro was convinced that he could trust Kakyoin. He just felt so at ease around him.

So whole.

"I'm fine, I swear." Jotaro said, and a slight grin formed on his lips. "I guess... I'm just kind of grateful is all."

Kakyoin was surprised. He brightened up, and his smile widened. "Grateful? I didn't think that word would ever come out of your mouth, Jotaro!" he laughed. "So what's got you feeling grateful today?"

Jotaro smiled, and unlike before, this one was real.

"I guess I'm just glad to have met someone whom I can finally call a friend." Jotaro said honestly, and glanced up at Kakyoin. "I haven't known you for long, but I don't know... it feels like we just kinda... clicked. I think I want to get to know you better. You should hang out here more."

Kakyoin smiled. "Sounds like fun!"

Jotaro finished his dinner at about the same time Kakyoin did, and the two boys spent their night playing video games on Jotaro's grandfather's video game console. What his stupid old grandfather didn't know wouldn't hurt him after all.

Jotaro had never played video games before, and there was a huge skill gap between him and Kakyoin. While Kakyoin was obviously a professional at the game, Jotaro was the complete opposite. Kakyoin won two hundred games that night, while Jotaro won none.

"I can let you win next time," Kakyoin said in a snarky tone, a mischievous grin on his face. "Just so you know what it feels like to bask in the glory."

"I can't call it winning if you pitied me so much you let me win." Jotaro pointed out. "Guess that explains a lot. Damn, I suck at this."

"Don't worry!" Kakyoin said with a smile. "You'll get better, trust me!" he set his controller down, and his tone of voice immediately changed into something kinder, softer, and less energetic. "Come on, let's pack this up and get you to bed."

"I don't want to go to bed." Jotaro said. "I just slept four hours ago, dammit."

"Oh well." Kakyoin huffed, glancing at the clock. "Well, it's eleven, and if I'm not back by midnight I'm sure my parents would be worried." He helped Jotaro pack up Joseph's console, and even wiped the dining area clean. Jotaro was grateful he at least got to have a few extra minutes with Kakyoin.

Kakyoin slipped his scarf around his neck and pulled on his shoes at the door. He gave Jotaro a big wave, and smiled. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow, Jotaro!" he said enthusiastically. "Good night. Hope you sleep well." He shot Jotaro one last grin before turning around to leave.

Jotaro hovered by the doorway a little longer, and waited until Kakyoin completely disappeared after walking through the gate before he decided to get to bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

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