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In one of the darker corners of the underworld, lies Beelzebub's domain. The rotten city known as Purgatory.

Contrary to the name itself, the city was anything but pure or clean. It was known as the rotten city throughout all of hell for a reason.

The city itself was like one giant, steam-punk themed factory. Pipes filled the area, containers that were leaking a green glowing liquid were everywhere, and pistons would loudly work to pump fluids into the pipes.

Genocide's armor stood out through the black and dark green anterior of the city, especially with its red core that pulsed with Crimson Nova energy. Despite there not being any light from the dark clouds that covered the sky, it was easy to find the Unofficial Sin of Wrath as he walked through the filthy streets.

The Crimson Nova energy user was currently walking through a wide long street filled with all kinds of filth, from dust to old bones. Large drums of metal were at the side, leaking a green glowing liquid that he didn't want to know what was. The sound of pistons echoed through the whole city.

This time, he was aiming for Beelzebub, another of the Demon Lords that sealed Satan away. It was going to be very different from the fight with the Leviathan, for several reasons.

For starters, Beelzebub was smarter, far smarter. Second, he was surprisingly weaker, far weaker. For a Demon Lord, Beelzebub was in actuality barely stronger than the average demons. What made Beelzebub dangerous was the way he used his magic.

Necromancy. While Genocide didn't have anything against that particular type of magic, the way Beelzebub used it has made him question why that type of magic even exists in the first place.

Beelzebub used his necromancy to toy with the dead. He would reanimate corpses and then mutate them into abominable soldiers for him to use.

The fact he can do it so efficiently gave him a great number of powerful, expendable soldiers to use as he desires. But, once you get past all those soldiers, killing him should be pretty easy.

That is what made Genocide anxious in his current situation. He had not seen a single Undead since entering the city. It was absolutely deserted. The city would look deserted if it wasn't for the fact that the machines around were still pumping.

Suddenly, a bat the size of a sheep landed in front of the Unofficial Sin of Wrath. The only reaction that got was that he stopped walking and looked at the creature.

For one thing, it looked dead, literally speaking. It looked more skinny than a normal bat, the flesh on it looked rotten, it's eyes were sewed shut, and it's jaw was gone and replaced by a small speaker.

The speaker came to life with static being heard before a high pitched voice spoke. "Well, well, well!" it said loudly, the voice echoing through the area along with the sound of pistons. "To what do I have the pleasure of your visit, Genocide?"

"Where are you hiding, Beelzebub?" Genocide ignored the question given to him and replied with his own.

"Hiding? This is my city. Why would I hide?" Beelzebub replied through the speaker. "Are you here to kill me? You must be out of your mind! Not that you had much of that in the first place!" the Demon lord's laughter caused Genocide to growl. "Well, I always wanted to dissect you and see how you work! I always wondered how a being can use the Crimson Nova energy without burning, exploding, or another form of gruesome death!"

"Why don't you come here and I'll give you and close look to my fists?" Genocide asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, please, I don't deal with filth," Genocide scuffed at that statement. "I have them to deal with you."

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