Chapter 14: The mid-way to Cold Corners

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Tenma, Olson, Nepgear and Marvellous had arrived at Lowee, met by a petite tomboy in a business style suit...who seemed to know Nepgear by name, Tenma most confused  " know who she is?" asked Tenma curiously gesturing to Nepgear

"While I have not met this Goddess in person prior to today..." the Woman replied to him, in her rather cool somewhat boyish sounding voice "I do know of her by pictures and reconnaissance. Goddess Candidate of quell any doubts may you please demonstrate your power to me?"

"Oh alright then" Nepgear closed her eyes, enveloped herself in a column of data-light and emerged in HDD form "Is this enough?"

"It are the real deal, I am satisfied"

Nepgear went back to normal as the woman folded one arm and held her hand to her own cheek "So...its true after all, the Goddess candidate of Planeptune has has the former Goddess Purple Heart, though I don't see her with you"

"She's at Leanbox" Marvellous explained "She's trying to make contact with the Advisor there to establish a communications channel with Planeptune"

"Then I can assume you are here to craft the same channel with us?" the woman asked with Olson coming forward

"We were told communications were cut we came to fix them, to try in some way know who"

"Yes I am aware...normally I would force you onto some meaningless quests to show your loyalty but given the current circumstances - and my lady's wishes - we have no the time" the woman bowed with an arm crossed "I am Kei Inafune, the Oracle and financial director of Lastation. Though to not great success we have managed to stave off ASIC's advances. I know you are Nepgear the Goddess and Candidate to Planeptune, may I ask you introduce the others?"

Nepgear went first to Marvellous "This is information gatherer for Planeptune. She uses her skills to infiltrate enemy locations and give us much needed information. These two are Olson and Tenma, CPU envoys made through the Soul Ascension Program"

"I've heard of that program" Kei said thinking "The program that instils a portion of a nation's power into an individual, for we do have an Envoy here at this town though she is very...wayward"

"Well this one is Olson, he's lastation Envoy and Tenma is Planeptune's Envoy"

"Before we go further...may I ask the reason for your arrival today? My Lady...does not need any more false the moment"

"Well...we came here first of all to meet Uni" Tenma said to Kei "and make, as explained, a communication channel. Marvellous here is to scout the town, maybe investigate the Captain. Olson is to remain here and help out with your technology, he's very tech savvy and me with Nepgear - hopefully Arthur-chan too - will be proceed to Lowee to help Rom and Ram"

"I'm guessing you're targeting Lowee due to the nature of its candidates and its low Faith share ratio to ASIC? In a personal sense I am...a bit irked that you're choosing to save Lowee and its Goddess Lady White Heart..." Kei said coughing "but in another manner, from a power standpoint, it makes the most sense" 

Kei folded her arms "As you've no doubt notice, though Lastation's shares are low we are holding well. The Captain, Brave, of ASIC is slowly pushing people away but has some strange honourable quality, helping to slay monsters and protect some of the weaker people. You could say he's winning people over with Valour and light scare for Leanbox, that nation has a high - almost suspiciously high - Share rate"

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