Chapter 41: The Winter Wonderland

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It was the evening, Ventus, Blanc, Rom and Ram were heading to Lowee in the evening sky. Though the land was slowly choked of its light, the humble fire-lamps and lights of Lowee shone as a beacon to the way. Though one thing was notable in the town "Snow...its...snowing" he said as Blanc landed Tenma holding up his hand "Its...thick but...nice" 

"It actually started snowing properly a few days ago" Blanc said to him "Though not a daily occurrence, snow here is the norm. The only time it doesn't snow is during the summer months" Blanc saw Tenma just raising his arms, to feel the snow hit him gently "First time you've felt it?"

"First time...I've felt natural weather. I don't even remember what the sun feels like, and rain...I'm used to" Blanc patted his shoulder "Come on let's head home, we can order in some pizza for the evening"

"Come Tenma let's go" Ram said taking his arm "We have plenty of time to play in the snow"

"Yeah, yeah let's go" Rom said taking his hand instead with Blanc smiling 

"Don't worry...Tenma, we'll be making sure you get the training you need" 

The evening was calm one, Tenma sleeping in a spare bed while Rom and Ram kinda slept cuddled together to his side. He woke up with a stretch "Morning Tenma, you're up early"

"Am I...why what time..." as he opened his eyes, he went flush red for Marvellous was stood over him, leaning down close to him, her face in-front and chest below "whaa!" he fell backwards

"Hehehehe...did I surprise you? My goodness that was a...rather cute reaction"

"Have you been woken up by a good-looking red-head before with a developed front" he said in a moment of panic but he immediately stiffened

" ARE easy to surprise, hehehee I'll have to remember that. Come on blushy, its time for your morning exercise. It'll help with part of the training I have for you"

"If you say so...just don't tell makoto please"

"I won't...even I'm not that cruel...come on"

Marvellous took him to a large open room she had convered to a gym room with simple exercise obstacles and mats. Marvellous was helping Tenma learn to be more acrobatic slowly going through the motions "There you go...just balance on your hands like that" she said holding his legs to steaddy his hand-stand "Relax the fingers...don't stress. Now let your fall forward, slightly bend your fingers, roll and rise to your feet" Tenma followed instruction and rose to his feet, though unsteady "Whoa, easy there. Right one"

MArvellous directed Tenma to a risen platform, where a U bend of curved platforms took them to another risen platform "Now without using your hands, I want to run on all these to reach the other side" Marvellous demonstrated making it look easy "The trick is to get a firm footing, and now to stop for so long to keep your balance" Ventus did manage it the first time, but he somewhat lost balancce and Marvellous had to catch him "Whoa...easy. You got it but I noticed you hesitated in your footing" 

"Did I? Well I guess I didn't trust myself to keep balance" he said to her

"Have more confidence. There's a soft floor so even if you fall, you won't get hurt" Marvellous did the short course again "One two. If it helps watch your footing first. Don't stop though" he nodded and did the first too 

"One two" he was still unbalanced but not as bad and we went for it again 

"Trust in yourself, don't think about failure. Just go for it" Tenma went a third time and finished it smoothly "And there you go, no problem. Honestly its not always going to be planned out but as long as you don't overthink, know where your feet are going, and keep your momentum you can do much more like that" 

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