Chapter 32: The Creeping Doubt

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Arfoire had struck at Tenma, Rom and Ram supporting her only for the gloved hand that Arfoire struck with her halberd attack replaced for a blue gloved hand. She was 6ft 4, a very slender build wearing a blue t-shirt under a pink jacket with white shoulder cuffs and dark tight bottoms. Dark blonde hair went half-way down the back, worn in two ponytails past the neck with white ribbon. A pink and blue eye stared back her "What the...what just..."

"We don't care if we are weak and outpowered!" the new girl replied in a mature mid-teen voice "I won't just let you win!"

"There were three of you...and now!?"

"Hey Arfoire!" the united voices of Blanc and Makoto called her, the pair racing side-by-side "Get away from my sister/brother!" only for another new girl to replaced them "Or you'll answer to me bitch!" a tall and more muscle toned woman emerge, closing in on Arfoire and dealt a clean punch to her head, sending her into the wall.

Arfoire did recover, to see the new warrior. She was a full head height at least taller than the previous woman. She had very light Blue hair mostly untidy at the top, with the rest held up in a ponytail. She had a white belly shirt, though it covered all her arms with gym like shorts and wrist bands on her wrist with notably muscles. " with the Goddess?" asked Arfoire in sheer disbelief "And the boy...did the same with the fledglings!?"

"Wait we did?" said the first girl looking at herself before jumping excitedly "We did it! Tenma fused with Rom and Ram. We were worried it wouldn't work since Rom and Ram are smaller but together they do make a totally awesome whole. Now I need a totally cool name, call me...Dee-Ess yeah, yeah that works. So Makoto can do the Soul-something trick with CPU's too"

"Wait so...we fused together?" asked the 2nd woman "Well...I guess we did, hmm...then I'll call myself Blankoto"


"You got a problem with that?" she said pumping her arm with Dee-Ess immediately shaking her head "Good...right then"

Blankoto cracked her knuckles "I just about had enough of you knocking my siblings around and don't think I'll forgive you for hurting Blanc and the CPU's"

"Well Deity of Sin" Dee-Ess said confidently "You're up against two souped up CPU fused warriors! Are you still gonna fight?"

"How is it you humans fused with the Goddess!? I haven't seen this since..." but then Arfoire went still, her voice low and dark "So...some do live after all, now I see"

"What are you mumbling about?" asked Blankoto

"Rejoice...for its time for me to go. What you faced today was merely half of my full strength, the next time we meet I will exert my full force and I won't make the same mistake twice"

Arfoire's body began emitting a smokey vapour "We will meet again...on the Grand Stage, where I will demonstrate my power to the world. I am irked that now three of the Four CPU's have been discovered...but I am confident that you will not find the CPU of Leanbox"

"What makes you confident in that?" asked Dee-Ess while Uni and Mina began to stir and come awake "We'll find her just like the others"

"Because...not even I know where Green Heart has gone"


"As a small reward, for the surprising strength you've displayed I will tell you two things. First...when I triumphed over the CPU's 10 years ago, Green Heart had vanished from view. I am confident she did not flee and she has not perished. Not even with the power I possess can I truly eliminate a Goddess, at least not easily" 

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