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Axl was pacing back and forth in the hospital lobby.

He was nervous as hell, to say the least. It was as if his mind was running a mile a minute. So many thoughts were swarming his brain.

I can't do this? What about the band? I'm to young? Hell, I ain't cut for this responsibility. He kept thinking, questioning every thing going on.

This can't be real. Was the last thing to run through his head as a nurse called for his name.

The redhead froze in place, staring wide eyed at the nurse. She beckoned for him to follow her.

Axl shot a nervous glance to Izzy and Duff. Neither of them ever dreamed they'd see that petrified expression on the hot headed singers face.

"Are you coming, Mr. Rose?" The nurses irritated grumble came from where she stood in the doorway.

Not having the energy to snap back at the woman, he just nodded and trailed behind her.

They walked down a long hall, women were screaming in the rooms surrounding them, yelling for the heavens to kill their husbands as they gave the world new life.

Out of place and awkward, Axl and the nurse finally stopped in front of a room. 

His eyes traveled through the the clear glass wall in front of him, it was the only barrier keeping him from his newly born child. 

The rocker wasn't quite sure which baby was his. As they all looked same to him, well, that was until his gaze stopped on one infant in the far right corner.

The newly born had piercing blue eyes, red skin and a tuff of ginger hair on top of it's head. 

A high pitched scream came from the opposite corner, causing an almost glare like look to glaze the baby's face in annoyance. If that was even possible.

It was then that Axl was damn positive that was his kid.

He watched as another nurse walked into the room and picked, who he presumed to be, his child up from the incubator.

This woman was a shorter, heavy set, black lady. Looking a tad bit friendlier than the middle aged blonde nurse who currently stood next to the singer.

"I believe this is yours, sir," the nurse carrying his baby said from behind him.

Axl did a three sixty, definitely looking stupid to anyone who was watching.

His eyes met the ones of the tiny infant in the black womans' arms. 

The entertainers bad boy persona slowly started to dwindle as he became slightly more relaxed, a new love filling his heart. One he never knew to have.

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