Going Home

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Axl held his daughter, fondly watching her sleep as he waited for the nurse to come back and tell him he can leave.

It was maybe a thirty minute wait, his two friends that accompanied him in the waiting room before have left during his time back. So he'd have to wait for them to meet Anna.

The red head was deep in thought in what people would think of him now. Everybody's gonna see me as soft, like I lost the bad ass reputation.

He wasn't looking forward to his band mates teasing of him, mocking him for being a father and showing full emotion to someone.

Bringing him out of his head, the baby in Axl's arms let out a loud cry.

His eyes widened, what does that mean?

The singer felt a tap on the shoulder, he turned around to see one of the nurses with papers in her hand.

"She's hungry," the lady informed.

Axl looked from his child to her blankly. I don't have breast, can't exactly feed her. The man wanted to say, but bit his tongue from the sarcastic reply.

Her eyes widened realizing that he had no bottle to give the infant, "my bad, let my go get some baby milk."

The woman scurried off, quickly rushing back with a bottle filled with a pale, off white liquid inside of it.

"Here," she gave Axl the formula.

He took the cup, looking down at the baby, not really knowing how to feed her. As of never feeding a newborn, that he can think of, up until now.

Thinking to what he saw other parents did, he put the bottle to Anna's mouth, tilting the bottle and raising her head slightly to not choke on the milk.

"Good job," the nurse praised.

Axl held in yet another glare, he didn't need praise like he was a little kid for this.

"So, fill these paper's out, bring them to the desk, then you and you're beautiful new daughter are ready to leave," she continued, grinning wildly before handing him the papers and skipping off.

Axl started to glare at the retreating nurse, but quickly stopped himself. "She's only trying to help," he thought.

Anna's Squirming brought the red head back from his thoughts. Realizing that the bottle was empty, Axl carefully took it out of Anna's mouth. The rocker panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do next. Before he could think about it further, Anna let out a small birp and began to close her eyes once more. Axl smiled at the infint, love filling his chest at this beautiful miracle. He couldn't Believe that he helped create something so Precious and innocent. That's when it hit him. He would be the best father he could be.

Fifteen minutes later, with the papers andAnna in his arms, the young father walked to the nurses station. The nurse who previously held Anna looked up at Axl with a smile.

"Ah Mr. Rose, I see you have the papers. Before you go, we have a few things that we would like to give you."

The nurse then retrieved Two bags. One contained diaper supplies, bottles and formula,while the other contained baby clothes. Axl was speechless at the nurse's generosity. He couldn't believe that someone would be so kind to him, even with his bad boy reputation. "I thought you could use these," the nurse said softly. The young father gave a polite smile at the woman before following her out of a back exit.

After showing Axl how to strap in an old carseat of hers, the nurse turned away with a smile, watching the father daughter duo drive away.

As the man drove with Led Zeppelin playing softly, he let all of his doubts about being a good parent go. Once a successful rockstar, now on the rode to parenthood. Sure, things would be difficult, but he could get through it. With that thought in mind, Axl smiled at the sleeping infant through the rearview mirror, and continued to drive home.

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