Home At Last

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The drive seemed to drag on forever. It was as if the rocker's house was a world away.

Not to sure why, but anxiety started to course through his veins. His heart was beating a lot faster than what it should have been for the situation.

Axl kept shooting nervous glances over at the baby in the passenger seat.

Another ten minutes passed before the red head finally pulled into the drive way. A wave of relief washing over him.

He was home, his daughter was home, they were home, at last.

Axl leaned over to unstrap Anna from where she was. He gently lifted her from the seat, walking to his front door, deadbeat tired.

The time was probably pushing five A.M. It was definitely getting close to sunrise, and the moon started to lower in the sky.

Pushing his door open, a sigh left the singers mouth. Happy to be back at his house.

He walked up his stairs, laying his newborn down in a cheap crib he rushed to get.

Axl wasn't exactly expecting to end up the full time carer of the tiny girl, but when he did, the musician had to get the stuff he needed as quickly as possible, lazily being thrown together in one of his empty rooms.

Watching his baby's eyes slowly close, she opened her mouth, letting out the smallest of yawns. Slowly drifting off into a sleep.  

A wave of tiredness suddenly washed over Axl as well, not bothering to do anything, he limped over to a chair in the corner of the room.

Sitting down, he, as well, started to fall into the abyss of the night.

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