A Long Night

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Later that night, Axl was getting Anna ready for bed. After changing, feeding, and rocking her, the red head  went right to sleep.

A few hours later, the baby's crying brought Axl out of his slumber. "Hang on baby girl, Daddy's comin." As soon as the musician picked the small girl up, her cries quieted instantly.

"That's my girl,," Axl said softly. After  singing Patients and slowly rocking Anna, she fell back to sleep. "Damn, I don't know what I was so worried about. This is easy." the father  thought. But boy, was he wrong.

For the next three hours or so, no matter what the rocker did, his daughter wouldn't  stop crying. He tried feeding, changing, singing, and rocking, but the wailing just continued.

Axl sat in  a chair, as he bounced the infant on his knee  and made soft shushing sounds. At one point, he put his head in one of his hands, begging to whoever was listening to just make it stop. "Anna Elizabeth Rose, please go to sleep," Axl grumbled in distress.

Between the constant crying and the lack of sleep, the singer started to go a little mad. He never thought it would end.

"Aren't you suppose to sleep like a cat," Axl looked at his daughter with a sigh.

Anna's young eyes trained themselves on her father's, the look that crossed her gaze told the red head everything he needed to know.

"You're trying to keep me up," he shook his head. Deep down, he obviously she was just doing what baby's normally do, but the only explanation his tired mind could come up with is that she was purposefully trying to keep him awake.

"My own daughters even out to get me," Axl chuckled to himself.

Each hour that passed by felt like a year. It wasn't until the sun started to rise when a small break in the storm came, and the rocker was filled with lost hope that she would stop.

Anna's mouth opened, a small yawn coming from it.

Axl smiled as he stood up, rocking her back and forth. Though she was still wailing, they sound were slowly coming to an end.

With each passing second, Anna became quieter and quieter. Until finally, she stopped. Falling asleep in his arms.

With a grin, he laid her back down in her crib, immediately passing out after, ready for a long day of sleep.

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