Slash and Steven

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Axl sat with his daughter, gently putting her back down in her crib after he walked the two friends out.

He felt that the meeting went well with Izzy and Duff, but damn, was he dreading Slash and Steven.

The singer wasn't quite sure when they would show up, but he figured it would of been sometime today. He had to make sure that the band didn't all show up at the same, Axl felt that would of been to much for the new born.

Though, he started to regret his decision. He should of had Duff and Steven come together, with Slash and Izzy coming after. Given the immature attitudes of the guitarist and drummer.

As if the devil was reading his thoughts, a knock came from the front door.

Axl grumbled, looking down to see Anna staring at him, gaze wide with wonder.

Sighing, he picked her up, carrying her downstairs to let the two band mates in.

The red head cautiously opened the door.

He was greeted by the sight of Slash smoking and Steven bouncing on the spot.

The blonde's eyes doubled in size, his excitement seemingly about to bubble over at the sight of the baby.

"You gonna let us in or not, dude?" Slash asked, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"Put the cig out fucker, then you can," the father glared at his friend, not at all happy about the toxic smell getting to the infant in his arms.

The curly haired man looked at Axl confused. He realized that the front mans daughter was with him, immediately causing him to drop and step on the cigarette.

"Sorry," he apologized.

Axl nodded in response, he moved from the doorway to let them in.

"Can I hold her, can I hold her?" Steven immediately asked, hyper as ever.

"You don't even know how to," Axl raised his eyebrows.

"I bet you didn't either before she was born," Slash gave the singer a pointed look.

Rolling his eyes, Axl gave the drummer a skeptical look.

"I'm not gonna hurt her, I promise," he put his hands up in defense.

Shaking his head, the hot headed man reluctantly gave his daughter to Steven.

The blonde grinned, happily taking the baby.

"Shit," and as feared, he lost grip on Anna, her slipping from Stevens arms.

Luckily, before she hit the ground, he was able to get a better grip on her, bringing the child back up into his grasp, hugging her to his chest, horrified to see what Axl was about to do.

Opening an eye, he peeked to see the the singer shooting mental daggers at him. If looks could kill.

Realizing what was about to happen, Slash took Anna from Steven.

"Calm down dude, you look red enough to anger a bull," the guitarist attempted to stop the building rage in Axl.

Shaking his head, the red head somehow was able to push the anger aside, much to the surprise of his band mates.

He took a deep breath in before uttering a quiet threat to Steven, "drop her again, and you're dead."

Other than that small mishap, nothing else happened with Slashes and Stevens first visit. They all sat down in the living room for the remainder of time, cooing to Anna every once in awhile and going over future plans.

Axl was surprisingly happy with how the first day with his daughter went. His friends seemed to accept her, and nothing overly bad happened.

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