Izzy and Duff

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Morning came quickly for the the rock star and daughter duo.

The thin curtains doing nothing to block the risen sun from shining its light in through the windows.

A deep groan came where Axl slept in the room corner, his eyes slowly opening, blinking the sleep away.

His gaze traveled around the room, confused on why he was sleeping in a chair.

He spotted his new born in the crib, still fast asleep, unaffected by the brightness of day.

Memories of last night slowly returned to the singer, yet again, a new emotion filling his chest at recent events.

Axl sat in the chair for what seemed like an hour before. Reason being, he was not a morning person, and he needed time to think over everything that has happened.

When he finally fought off the laziness, he stood up. Making his way over to baby Anna, he checked over her to make sure she was okay.

Which luckily, she was.

Walking out of the room, the red went to kitchen.

He reached the fridge, opening it then grabbing a beer and water. Axl looked over to the clock, time reading two-thirty.

Damn, he thought, he definitely slept in. It wasn't even morning, but mid day.

Dragging him out of his thoughts was a knock on the door.

He waited a minute, hoping the people would go away.

Much to his dismay, three more knocks followed the first one.

"Let us in," called a voice from the other side. The voice belonging to one of his band mates.

The musicians stomped his way over to the front door, grabbing the knob and swinging it open. He was met by the sight of his two friends.

"Finally," Duff groaned dramatically.

"Never thought you'd let us in," the blonde bass player motioned to himself and the rhythm guitarist next him, Izzy.

Axl moved out of the way, letting the pair in.

"Where's the kid?" Duff asked.

"Asleep," Axl retorted, "it'd be nice if you could quiet down some."

The newcomers gave each other a look.

"Sorry dude," Izzy responded, giving Axl a pat on the back. "So when can we see them?"

"She's asleep right now, so I guess when she's awake?" The singers replied in an almost questioning tone.

He didn't really know what to say, not really sure if he was suppose to wake an infant or not.

His old friend gave an understanding look before walking over to the fridge, grabbing two beers from it.

The three men sat on the couch, beers in too out of the three men's hands.

Izzy broke the silence. "So how does it feel to be a father?" he  asked. The singer looked up at his friend with a smile. He was presently surprised at how well his bandmates were taking the news. Axl spoke up then. "God Izzy, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. She's so small and I'm worried that I might drop her or something." Duff patted Axl on the back. "You got this Ax," Duff exclaimed. "If Anyone is to be a great father to this child it's you." The red head smiled at his friend's words before a loud cry interrupted his thoughts.

Axl rushed up to the nursery as Anna's cries became louder. The rocker ran over to the crib, cooing at the girl gently.

"Shhhh sweetheart, It's ok." Axl said softly as he rocked the small girl. Anna's cries quieted down to whimpers as the young father walked over to a quickly made diaper change station. After many attempts, Axl finally succeeded in dressing his child.

Picking the newborn up, the singer made his way towards the living room.

"Come on sweet daughter o' mine," Axl said, smiling at the nickname he gave her. "I'v got some friends I'd like you to meet. They're going to love you." The father daughter duo entered the living room then, making their way to the awaiting bassist and guitarist.

As soon as Duff and Izzy saw the infant in their friend's arms, their faces broke out in wide grins.

"Aww, she's so small." Izzy said with amazement. Duff piped up then. "She's like a mini Axl. I mean look at that hair, and those eyes. Damn, she's going to be a real heart breaker someday."

Axl gave the blond a disapproving look. "Damn it Duff! she's just a baby. There will be no boyfriends in her future. Not if I have anything to do with it." Duff grinned sheepishly. "Gees man, I was kidding. Lighten up will ya." Duff exclaimed. Defeated, the red head held Anna out Toward the pair.

"Alright, who's going first?" Axl asked. Izzy held out his arms quickly as the father carefully transferred Anna in to them. The rhythm guitarist  tensed up before Axl guided his hands, showing him  the proper way to hold her.

Izzy smiled as he felt the baby rest against him. "What's her name?" Duff asked. Axl smiled with pride. "Guys, meet Anna  Elizabeth Rose." The singer said proudly. The two men looked at each other with smiles. Duff held the child next, feeling love for the tiny girl just as the others did. "I promise baby girl, your daddy, Uncle Izzy, and I will be here for you always." Duff spoke softly. With that, the three men gazed lovingly at Anna, wondering what was in store when Slash and Steven would meet her.

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