The Perfect Name

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Axl continued to stare into the eyes of his newborn daughter. A million thoughts kept running through his head. "What if I mess this up? How will I be able to give her what she needs? Oh god! What if I end up like my own father?" Axl shuddered at that thought and closed his eyes tightly, turning away in distress. His thoughts stopped at the sound of the nurse's voice.

"Mr. Rose?" Axl turned back around to face the woman. "I'm sorry to interrupt your thoughts, but we really need you to think of a name to put on the birth certificate. Have you thought of a name for this little one?" She asked. Axl wasn't sure how the name came to him, but before he could think of anything else, he spoke up.

"My daughter's name is Anna. Anna Elizabeth Rose." The nurse smiled. "That's a beautiful name. I'll run to the nurses station to put that down. Would you like to hold her?"  

His gaze traveled from that of the nurses, to his newborn child.

"Sure," came the singers slow reply, not overly positive of how to do this.

"You don't know what you're doing?" The nurse asked, giving a small laugh at the new father's awkward behavior.

"Not overly," he shook his head.

"Here," she placed baby Anna in Axl's arms. "Now, with you're left hand, hold her head with it. And use your right arm to grip her to you."

As instructed, he did exactly as she said. Successfully holding Anna for the first time without dropping her.

"Thank's," he muttered quietly, slightly red with embarrassment on his lack of knowledge with infants.

The woman gave a polite nod of her head before skipping off to put in information for the baby.

Axl's head swiveled, scanning the area around him for any signs of Anna's mother.

As expected, there was no sign of her. Back to her partying lifestyle.

Who knew? He hummed to himself. I, Axl Rose, would end up a single dad.

The irony of the situation brought a sad smile to the hot headed mans' lips.

Quickly vanishing as a thought slowly formed in his head. What if I turn out like that bastard of a father I had?

His blue eyes traveled to meet that of his daughter's, who peacefully stared up at the new world around him.

Axls chest filled with warmth at the pride that swarmed him. He wouldn't end up like his dad, he loved his Anna to much for that.

Carefully adjusting the baby in his arms, he brushed a thumb over the small tuff of ginger hair she had.

"I love you."

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