Uncle Duff Babysits

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"I promise Ax, little Anna is safe with me," Duff said for the fifth time that morning.

It was pretty clear to see that Axl was nervous. And who could blame him? This would be the red head's first time leaving his daughter in the care of another person.

Although he would only be in the Studio for a few hours, it still worried the rocker to no end.

Despite the dread of leaving baby Anna for the first time, Axl was glad to have Duff watch her rather than his other bandmates.

As he gently held the baby, the musician turned to face his friend."Now remember to feed Anna on time. And please make sure that she falls asleep.  And for the love of god..." Duff stopped Axl once more.

"Relax, man. I got this. Your daughter is in good hands. Now go to work."

With that, Axl gently kissed Anna's head and proceeded to hand her off to the blond. The infant was not happy about this, however, and began to cry loudly.

"Oh sweetheart," Axl cooed. "It's alright. Daddy won't be long. It's just Uncle Duff. remember? Sshhhhh."

The sound of her father's soothing voice seemed to do the trick and before long, Anna calmed down.

With a final kiss on the head, the musician handed his daughter to the bassist and headed off to do what he did best.

Duff contemplated what he could do to keep the infant entertained. When suddenly, it hit him.Gently, he placed Anna on her blanket and hid behind the couch.

"Hey mini Axl! Where did Uncle Duff go?"

Confused, the child looked around before beginning to fuss.

Hearing that Anna was in distress, the blond panicked before realizing that Anna was scared.

Not wanting to upset her further, Duff popped his head out and yelled, "here I am!"

The child's cries were soon replaced with adorable giggles that melted the bassist's heart into jelly. After a few more rounds, Duff decided that feeding and nap time would soon be approaching.

As he held a sleeping Anna in the rocking chair with the bottle now empty, Duff realized that this little girl with the face of an angel and bright ginger hair was going to be something special.

And it would all be thanks to The man who raised her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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