Chapter 5: Y/N

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                              Y/N's POV

          If he spills, even more Fire Nation troops will go after the Avatar. The words floated through Y/N's brain lazily. She had been hit hard on the head more than once, and was struggling to stay fully conscious. They won't have any regard for my sibling's safety. If anyone but Zuko catches them, they could be dead. 

          Y/N balled her fingers into fists, managing to lift up her head to look up at Zuko, who was up on his feet in a flash, eyes wide.

          "Y/N." Was the first word that came out of his mouth. Weird. The name looked strange on his lips. 

          "You beat up my uncle's custodian? That's a cruel, even for you." He spat, composing himself and glaring at Zhao. 

          "You can drop the act. Your crew told us all about her. I've heard she's quite the bender, despite her looks." The commander looked down at Y/N, then back at Zuko.

          "This is none of your concern. Let her go." Zuko demanded, his fingers balled into fists. 

          "Oh? Why so agitated? You seem to care about the well-being of this waterbender." Zhao laughed, signaling to the guards. They roughly grabbed Y/N's arms, holding her upright. Her body screamed at her, but she bit her tongue, glaring defiantly. 

          "We have a pact. Until both sides are upheld, she is an ally. Let. Her. Go."

          "It seems this might be easier than anticipated." Zhao lit up his palm with a hot flame, ignoring Zuko's words and carefully holding it close to Y/N's neck. The intense heat already hurt, but Y/N kept her mouth shut, afraid of screaming. 

          "Stop!" Zuko yelled, moving forward, but two guards behind him held him back. Iroh now stood as well.

          "Stop this, Zhao." He commanded, warily watching the guards around him. Y/N felt the flame get closer, and she resisted the urge to struggle.

          "I'll ask you this nicely, Prince." Zhao said slowly with a smile. "Have you found the Avatar, and where is he?"

          "Don't say anything." Y/N cut in, her voice sounding worse than it felt. She spat blood onto Zhao's shoes, coughing weakly. Her burns felt like they were still on fire, and her entire body ached. Keeping her head up was a lot of work, just the thought of trying to wrestle free made her feel like passing out.

          "Shut your mouth." Zuko hissed quickly. "He will not hesitate to kill you."

          "Don't give him what he wants." Y/N then spat blood at Zuko, but over his shoulder. 

          "I can ask again." Zhao offered, holding the flame close enough where it began to sizzle, the smell of burning flesh quickly filling the room. Y/N bit her tongue so hard she thought she might bite it off.

          "Stop! Stop it! I'll tell you!" Zuko roared, struggling violently against the guards to the point where a third had to help. Zhao didn't move his hand, looking at him expectantly. "I had him in my custody, but he escaped. I don't know where he is."

          "...I already knew, but the confirmation always helps. Your lack of leads is disappointing, though. That was certainly fun." Zhao smirked, putting out the fire and signaling for the guards to drop Y/N. She hit the ground hard, but anger fueled her movements now.

          "You roll over so easily?!" She rasped, attempting to stand to swing at Zuko, but fell over. My siblings are going to die in the hands of  a psychopath commander.

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