Chapter 7: Figure It Out

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          "Zuko, relax. We still have hours before we arrive at Kyoshi Island. Maybe you should get some sleep." Y/N wrapped her cloak tightly around herself, the thick fabric barely shielding her from the cold wind. She was freezing, even without getting wet from the rain all around her.

          Zuko stood at the railing of the ship, looking off into the distance. Nothing was there except for stormy seas and pouring rain. He was sopping wet from the sleet, and made no attempt to firebend as Y/N leaned on the railing beside him.

          "You're freezing." Y/N noticed, expanding her little waterbending rain umbrella so it covered him as well. He was quivering slightly, the water in his clothes beginning to turn to ice. 

          "It is difficult to firebend in a storm like this, and it wouldn't do any good." He explained, flinching as the ice around him melted, and his clothes dried. Y/N lowered her hand, unable to make their umbrella much bigger. "You could tell me what you're doing before you do it."

          "Maybe you'd like to be sopping wet again?" Y/N drew back her umbrella, allowing the water to fall on him again. He didn't flinch this time, simply taking his eyes away from the water to look at her with piercing amber eyes. She crossed her arms, looking right back at him.

          "Come inside, you'll get hypothermia out here." She prompted, gesturing back to the doors that led into the ship. Zuko shook his head, and Y/N frowned, expanding her umbrella and removing the water from his clothes again. He didn't gripe about it this time.

          "I need time to think." He said simply, turning back to look at the dark clouds. 

          "Can you not do that inside, where it's warmer, and dry?" Y/N pointed out, leaning against the railing again and studying him closely. From her point of view, all she could see was the half of his face with the scar. She still hadn't asked about it, knowing it was a touchy subject, but she didn't really want the story from anyone else.

          "I don't want the quiet right now, or anyone bothering me." Zuko looked at her pointedly, raising his eyebrows. Y/N held up her hands.

          "Well, excuse me for being concerned you were going to die out here." She tried to concentrate, expanding the umbrella just a little bit more. "At least give us both a little fire so we don't freeze to the deck." 

          "We?" Zuko asked, a bright fire appearing in his palm. Y/N nodded.

          "I'm staying out here with you. You need my umbrella to stay dry and bend easier, and I'll stay quiet so I don't bother you." She said, looking at the flame in his hand, then the dark clouds above. 

          Zuko paused for a moment, probably contemplating arguing with her, but apparently decided against it, leaning on the railing and looking back out at the boiling seas, keeping the flame in his hand big enough to keep them both warm, comfortable silence settling between them with the white noise of the sleet hitting the deck.


          "I had no clue you were keeping Komodo Rhinos on your ship. Can I ride one?" Y/N marveled at the magnificent beasts as Zuko strapped the saddle onto his. "Though, I guess there's only three. I'll go on foot. Why do you need them, anyways? You're not even fighting in the war."

          "You're staying here." Zuko said, making sure the saddle was secure, then turning towards her. Y/N looked at him in disbelief.

          "Run that by me again?" She asked calmly. Zuko rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

          "You heard me correctly. I will capture the Avatar and bring your siblings back here safely. You stay here on the ship and wait." He ordered. Y/N shook her head.

          "Absolutely not, Your Highness." She said. "This isn't Fire Nation, it's Earth Kingdom. Why would I have to stay back? What's this?" Zuko was holding out two strangely shaped containers, both with leather straps. She took them, turning over the refined metal in her hands.

          "They store water. You won't always be around a body of water to bend. Fire nation canteens have a screw-on cap, and don't hold that much, so I had these custom made. The cork is easy to remove, but won't fall out on its own. They attach to your belt, and should fit your waist so they don't get in the way while running." 

          Y/N looked at him incredulously, admiring the craftsmanship of the two containers, already filled with water. They were surprisingly light. She looked up at him, then strapped them on, the curve of the metal perfectly fitting her waist, not getting in the way of her arms. 

          "You think giving me an amazing gift is going to make me listen to you?" She asked sassily, testing the corks by bending the water out of the canisters. They worked well, and it's was easy to seal them up again. 

          "I think it's going to keep you safer, given that you seem to get yourself into trouble often." Zuko shot back, turning to mount his rhino. "Don't make me lock you in the hold. Just stay on the ship and I'll be right back." Y/N paused, confused, looking at the soldiers getting ready around them.

          "You're going to attack the village." She realized, stepping in front of his rhino so he was forced to stop. "I won't let you attack innocent people! Let me help you, just tell me what to do so we can get the Avatar and my siblings, then leave!"

          "Okay. Stay on the ship." Zuko barked, getting off his rhino to get her out of the way. Y/N dodged him. "STAY ON THE SHIP!" She continued to avoid him, the sudden drama aggravating the rhino a little. "I won't tolerate this, Y/N!"

          "And I won't stand for this, Zuko! Stop and think for a second!" She dodged him again, unwilling to use her new present against him. It felt wrong. "You burn down an innocent village that's not even in the war, and capture the Avatar, what then? Do you have a better plan of containing him this time? What's going to change, Zuko??"

          "Shut up! I'll figure it out!" Zuko roared, fire igniting in his hands. Y/N back up quick, jumping slightly as the hull of the ship opened, the soldiers beginning to move out. She continued to back up as Zuko advanced, down the ramp and onto the beach. She bent the water from the ocean around her, prepared to defend herself, but hesitant.

          "Will you? Stop charging headfirst into these things without planning, it's never going to end well." She said bravely. Zuko snarled, and began relentlessly shooting bursts of hot flames in her direction. "Stop this, and let me help!" She yelled, dispersing the attacks and dropping the water, holding out her hands, hopeful he might calm down if she stopped bending.

          She didn't have time to think as an enormous wave of flame roared towards her. The last thing she remembered was flying backwards, her head hitting what felt like a sharp rock.

          Then everything went dark.

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