Chapter 9: Feared the Worst

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                             Y/N's POV

          Y/N was running low on money again. She stood in the marketplace of a small neutral town, looking at the two silver pieces left in her palm. She opened her bag, hesitantly looking at the contents. Some food, the Fire Nation silks, some rope, and her old belt, still attached to the custom water containers. 

          She was hesitant to sell the silks, although it would probably pay for a ride back home, and enough food to feed the village for several months. It didn't feel right, even though it was a gift, and rightfully hers to make the choice.

          She sighed, closing her bag, and paying a vendor for the fruits she had just picked out, leaving her with one silver piece.

          "Thank you, have a nice day!" The old saleswoman smiled brightly, her energetic and kind demeanor making it impossible to not feel the same. Y/N smiled back, waving politely as she made her way through the streets.

          I still don't know what to do yet. Y/N sat down next to an inn, picking a fruit and taking a bite, watching the villagers go by with their carts and baskets. Should I get a job, make enough money, and go home?

          "You need to stop impulsively buying stuff like this. It doesn't even work!" Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief, snapping her from her thoughts. She knew that voice way too well. She abruptly stood up, stuffing the remaining fruits in her bag and looking around.

          "You don't know that. I just really think I needed it." Y/N spotted the trio, walking towards her. Aang held a small object that looked to be some sort of whistle, obviously the thing he and Sokka were arguing about. Katara and Y/N met gazes at the same time, both perfectly frozen for only a second before Y/N ran forward.

          "Y/N?!" Sokka yelped in confusion as Y/N pulled them both into a hug, squeezing them tightly. Katara hugged back, dropping her bag and laughing.

          "I feared the worst." Y/N said in a strangled voice as Sokka hesitantly returned the hug. "How could you two leave me like that? I nearly died worrying."

          "We're fine, Y/N." Katara rolled her eyes as Y/N pulled away. Sokka crosses his arms, but yelped when Y/N smacked them both across the face.

          "I don't know what the heck you all were thinking." Y/N crossed her arms, looking at each of them pointedly.

          "Hey! We knew you wouldn't let us go, and you never leave home! What are you doing here??" Sokka asked, rubbing his cheek with a sour expression.

          "I would've come with if I'd known your minds couldn't be changed! I'm here to make sure you both are safe, and not DEAD." Y/N shook a finger at her siblings, then turned towards Aang, who flinched. 

          "I appreciate the kind gesture for our people, but you've also dragged along my siblings without my permission. I've got my eye on you." She pointed two fingers at her eyes and then towards Aang, who gave her a wide grin in response.

          "Wait, you aren't here to take us home?" Sokka asked hopefully, but got a glare in response.

          "I can't force you to come back, I realize that now." Y/N sighed. "I'm still going to try convincing you, but for now, I just need peace of mind that you're in my sight and safe. Maybe once... uh... should we be worried about that?" Y/N became distracted from her words by a hoard of pirates running towards them.

          Sokka, Katara, and Aang turned around, spotting them.

          "RUN!" Sokka yelled, dragging Y/N along with him as they all began to sprint in the opposite direction. Y/N stumbled a bit before getting her feet under her, blindly following Aang as they tore through the streets, the band of pirates close behind.

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