Chapter 7 The Anduin

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Haraldur makes his way back to the Fellowship. He waits patiently for Prongs to return with news from his father. As he stands there staring off in the direction that Prongs went, Aragorn comes up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder.

“Is something bothering you, my friend?”

Haraldur turns around and looks up at the Ranger, “Not at all, Aragorn. I am only waiting for news from my father.”

Aragorn stares at Haraldur curiously, “How will a raven from Erebor know where we are?”

“I do not expect a raven; you will see when he arrives.”

Aragorn is a little confused but accepts what Haraldur tells him. He decides to take the opportunity to address the issue that Haraldur and Legolas have with each other.

“Haraldur, I do not understand the hostility that you and Legolas have for each other.”

“No, I suppose you don't. Do you know how Legolas and I met?”

Aragorn shakes his head.

“It was when I accompanied my father and the Company to reclaim our homeland. We had the misfortune of running into Legolas and his men in Mirkwood.”

Haraldur explained to Aragorn what happened between the Dwarf of Erebor and the Elves of Mirkwood, how Thranduil would use Haraldur against Thorin for jewels or kill the Dwarfling. How Legolas could have prevented everything had he only listened to what Thorin had to say and not accused him of being a liar and a thief. That if it had not been for Bilbo, they would have rotted in those prisons.

“But, Legolas could not go against his king and father.”

“Why not I did against my father to do what was right. One does not follow blindly if you know that it is wrong. I want you to know that I have nothing against Elves. Lord Elrond and Glorfindel taught me a great deal. Lady Galadriel was a great comfort to me. But I will always think of the Mirkwood Elves as beneath their kin and savages. If my cousin wishes to befriend the Elf, that is fine but do not expect that to happen with us. I will be civil toward Legolas and protect him as a member of this Fellowship as is my duty but no more.”

Aragorn shakes his head, “You stubborn Dwarf.”

Haraldur grins, “Did you expect anything different from the son of Thorin Oakenshield?”

“No, I suppose not.”

At that moment, a bright light begins to make its way through the trees; Aragorn is about to draw his sword, but Haraldur put his hand on Aragorn's sword, “It is alright, my friend, that is a message from my father.”

Aragorn furrows his brow in confusion. The bright light gets closer, lighting up the area causing the others to wake up. It suddenly takes the form of a stag and canters over to Haraldur; Aragorn's eyes widen in surprise when the stag stops in front of Haraldur and opens his mouth. The voice of Thorin Oakenshield comes out of it.

“My son, do not worry about things back home. Concentrate on your journey. And remember if you need help, the Dwarves of Erebor will be there for you. Give our love to Gimli and the Hobbits, and be careful.”

Once the message was delivered, Prongs faded away. Haraldur smiled at hearing his father's voice; he turned and noticed that the Fellowship are all staring at him.

“What was that?” Merry asked.

“That was my Patronus. It's a defensive spell that produces a silver, animal guardian. I can send messages with it. I wanted to let Thorin know about what happened in Moria and to Gandalf. And my Patronus is faster than a raven and more discreet.” Haraldur explains.

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