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This fanfic is something like a series of short stories. It won't have any real order nor will it always be consistent with the LN.

What this is, is just different and random fanfictions I think of and post for other people to see. Things like having moments from the LN expanded on (like dates or group conversations that happened behind the scenes), but it will also contain scenarios that never happened and will probably never happen in the main story. Regardless, I still try to keep the characters consistent, but I will be a little bit more flexible here. I will put a timeline or setting above each fanfiction so you understand the situation.

To be honest, I don't really expect anyone to read this. You could just consider this some popcorn fanfiction that I update when I feel like doing so. If you came looking for a plot, go somewhere else or read my other fanfiction.

I will still post on the other fanfiction daily like I have so far, but for this one, updates may very. I might update 5 times a day or just won't update at all. As long as I have ideas, this one will be updated.

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