Girl Talk(?) Pt. 2 [A Pokerfaced Romantic...]

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Matsushita POV

"Hey, isn't that him?"

The question from Shinohara caused all our heads to turn towards the door without exeption. There, the figure of Ayanokouji became visible.

"A weird coincidence huh?"

"What do you think he's doing here?"


Despite the fact that both Shinohara and I were asking questions that should have started up a conversation, only silence followed.

Noticing a lack of a response from Karuizawa and Sato, I turned to look at them, thinking that there was a problem. What I saw however, were just two girls staring intently his figure.


The Ayanokouji who just entered the café was currently wearing casual clothes that suited him quite nicely. A short sleeved shirt with a collar that complemented his mysteriously fit physic, along with jeans to finish off his look. The fact that Ayanokouji was someone who rivaled, or even surpassed Hirata in looks was made very clear at this moment. But the faces Karuizawa and Sato made while looking at him were still too much to be considered normal. I guess someone would look better if you liked them.

I cleared my throat to dispel the akward atmosphere.

"Hey guys, I think he looks nice too, but staring at him that much is creepy."


Harmoniously, the consciousness of the two maidens returned while flustered.

"Umu... sorry, you're right."

"Hey, Karuizawa-san, I get that Sato-sam hasn't seen him outside of his school uniform that often, but why did you have the same reaction?"

Shinohara, seemingly curious about the girlfriend's actions, questioned Karuizawa who still had a faint blush on her face.

"Uhh.. well you see, since we decided to keep our relationship a secret, we haven't had a lot of opportunities to go on dates. And even if we did, it would be in one of our rooms while we wore our uniforms so we could have an excuse if someone found us."

"Oh, I get it... sounds tough being in a secret relationship."

With the situation as it is now, I doubt I could pry anymore information from Karuizawa, so I decided to play along with their antics, waiting for the right moment.

"You think he just wanted to get some coffee?"

"I doubt it, he would have just made some if he did. He's not really the type to go out on his own that often without a reason."

"... Karuizawa-san, you sure know a lot about Ayanokouji-kun huh?"

The Karuizawa-san in question was puffing out her chest as if she was showing off. This made Sato who was sitting in front of her wear a bitter smile.

"You think he's here to meet someone then?"


We sat in silence, pretending to mind our own business while taking glances at the door. It seems he didn't notice our presence, or atleast pretended not to, as he sat down at a table relatively far from us however, he was still visible.

A few minutes later of observing every person who came in as potential 'meeting' candidates, a familiar, yet unexpected person walked through the doors.

It was one of the leaders of class D, and someone renowned for being the 'treasure of the class' by most of the girls. Hirata Yosuke.

From the way Hirata praised him, and the incident just before the 'Event Selection Exam', I had guessed that both Ayanokouji and Hirata were well acquainted with one another, but it was still quite a surprise for me. My guess had been more towards the Ayanokouji Group, or Horikita who seemed to know a bit of Ayanokouji's true abilities and was working with him.

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