A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 3 [Human Warmth]

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Arisu POV

Most people are involved with many relationships as soon as they are born and continue to create many more throughout their lives; family, friends, acquaintances, students, teachers, and lovers are all examples of such relationships.

Growing up however, I've had very limited relationships with other people. This was most likely due to my mindset even as a child.

My father would often tell me that the things I said were not the things a normal kid my age should have been thinking, but I suppose it was to be expected, I was a natural born genius after all. Despite my lack in physical ability, my intellegence would always more than make up for it.

I would manipulate others into helping me and ensure that no one would oppose me. To me, everyone else was nothing but a puppet to control for the sake of my entertainment, and those who went against me would most definitely be destroyed.

I was (and am), by no means normal, so building relationships outside of my family, and especially a relationship of lovers where I genuinely cared for my significant other was not something I had expected to do in my life. But then again, my partner was someone just as messed up as I was.

Through our time spent together, I understood that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was someone who manipulated others just as I did. He trusted no one, held no attachments, and saw those around him as tools to achieve his victory. Even I have become one of those tools.

A tool to help him obtain his crave for knowledge...
A tool to let him understand the concept of human relationships.

Not too long ago, during one of his frequent visits, I had proposed to to become his girlfriend in order to soothe his curiousity of an emotion that was constantly remaining in his head. An emotion that had him confused to the point where he left his birthplace, and the emotion he had never expirienced. The emotion called love.

If one were to look at our relationship objectively, there would be no doubt in my mind that they would consider it to be messed up, but I knew the terms of being in this relationship.

I knew that despite the fact that he was mine, and I was his, that he held no love for me.

I knew that I would only be used in order to answer his curiousity.

And I knew that these conditions were not my ideal ones for a relationship, but circumstances being what they are, I understood that Kiyotaka was someone incapable of feeling an emotion such as love.

His first sight when he came into this world was not of his parents, but that of completely white walls. A prison void of colour. He was raised in a loveless environment lacking any rights or human contact with his soul purpose for existing being, "to become perfect." It's not surprising that love wouldn't come to him easily, so given the opportunity, I resolved myself.

To make him fall for me, I will do whatever it takes.

Spring break was nearing it's end with school rapidly approaching and I was currently on my way to Kiyotaka'a room. After my confession 2 days ago, we had agreed that we would begin calling each other by our first names and meet up today for our first date.

Normally, he would be the one heading to my room since avoiding people was easier for him, but I persisted that it would be better to have the date in his room. I wanted to know more about him, and not just his thoughts, but how he lived too.

*Knock knock

After a few moments of waiting, the door began to open.

"Hello Kiyotaka, may I come in?"

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