"Big Brain" Moment Concerning [A Childhood Friend I Never Met]

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I have made a HUGE blunder with this fanfic timeline wise. Whether you noticed or not, please tell me so I can roll around in agony.

So basically, I mistook spring break for summer break, and made the holiday 3 weeks longer than in the original timeline. Originally it was supposed to span from the 24th of March-5th of April, but mine, being 3 weeks overdue, will land somewhere in the mid-late Aprils.

Now, this is a big deal in terms of the LN events. I had the choice of fixing my errors to suit the og timeline, but once I looked back at it, Arisu and Kiyo's relationship wouldn't make sense unless I gave them this much time to develop. So instead, I'd like to keep it the way it is and end spring break on the 24th of April as opposed to the 5th.

If this had been a fanfiction where I wasn't aloud to be super flexible like my other one, I'd probably have deleted this on the spot (lol), but luckily, I have the power to give the students an extra 3 weeks of vacation.

I don't really intend to make you guys sit through the whole Y2V1 and Y2V2 again with only minor changes, so what I decided to do instead in this (not so)mini series was to either create a mini special exam or just take out any form of special exam at all. Of course the students like Hosen, Ichika, and Tsubasa will be there, but what their role will be, I'm not too sure (could be major or minor).

Again, I'm really sorry for overlooking this, but I hope you guys can forgive me for that. I'll be putting the dates on top of each chapter of this series from now on, but as for the ones I already did, here they are:

A Childhood Friend I Never Met Timeline:
•Chapter 1 [April 1]

- A week after the graduation ceremony of 3rd yrs
-> Kiyo and Arisu get teachers to help them against Tsukishiro during that week.

-Kiyo visits Arisu's room for the first time [April 1]

•Chapter 2 [April 14]

- Kiyo's 10th visit in the span of 2 weeks
-> During those 2 weeks, they've played countless games and learned about each other through their tendencies.
-> On one of the 4 days he didn't visit, the events of 'lost lamb' took place, where Kiyo helps Ichinose and meets with Ryuuen and Hashimoto

- Arisu's confession [April 14]

Chapter 3-6 [April 17]

- {April 15/16 was when the Acting Director confronted Kiyo}
-> {You could also say this is the day Matsushita met him at Keyaki mall}

- Kiyo and Arisu's first date [April 17]

- Kei's confession/ Kiyo's rejection [April 17]

Things to keep in mind (maybe potential spoilers):

- Manabu takes his leave from the school 7 days after the ceremony, but in this fanfic, he still hasn't left.

- Spring break ends on the 24th of April in this fanfic (7 days away)

- I update this fanfic according to which ones I feel like doing, and right now, this (not so)mini series is what I'm having fun doing.
-> I know I've been requested to do other ones, but I'll do them when/if I feel a drive to.

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