A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 4 [Two Sides of a Monster]

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Kiyotaka POV

If someone were to question how I ended up in this position, the best answer I could provide would most likely only be silence.

I was new to the concept of relationships, and I had no doubt that my knowledge in this field was very small compared to others at my age. But even so, I was sure that the events which had unfolded in the last couple of minutes were moving too fast for a normal couple on their first date.


After Arisu made the unexpectedly bold move of sitting pretty much on my lap and had slightly forced me into hugging her, I unconsciously began stroking her head as if petting a small animal. From what I've observed, the regular actions to show affection between lovers would include things like embracing and kissing, but the motion of caressing her head felt more natural to me at that moment.


Cute sounds of pleasure, which resembled a cat escaped her lips as I watched her rub her face affectionately against my hand. Her actions up to this point have left me more confused than I can remember since leaving the White Room, but I surprisingly found it quite amusing.

After some time, I slowly retracted my left hand (which was being nuzzled sweetly) from her, in hopes of taking a break. But just like how objects in space gravitate to one another, Arisu's face followed as if getting pulled by some mysterious force.


To test something, I lightly and playfully began slapping her cheek, causing her face to sway back and forth in constant succession. With every push, her head would come back to my had as if it were only natural.


An annoyed sound was the only response I got, but despite that, she didn't do anything to stop me. With that, I began my expiriments(?).

I found myself immersed in the moment as I started testing different things to see what kind of reactions they would produce. Sometimes irritated, sometimes sweet, but no matter how much her face changed, she still seemed relaxed. Her face could be described as being 'in a dream-like state', and I doubt she had any awareness of her actions. If someone else were to see the leader of class A this vulnerable, they would most likely deny the reality in front of their eyes.

A good amount of time passed, when I started thinking about what this scene would look like if viewed from an outside perspective. This caused an image of a chemist testing different chemicals to appear in my head.
What am I doing?

That was then when my self-caused confusion was interupted by a familiar rythm of knocks

*Knock, knock-knock


"Were you expecting anyone to visit today?"

"Aside from you, there should have been no one I had scheduled to meet with. But I have a good idea of who's on the other side."


My heart was beating faster as I knocked on his door. This was going to be the first time I've seen his face in about a month.

This is his fault for not calling to meet me even once...

Of course I knew full well that he wasn't obligated to, it's not like we were dating... although I did wish we were.
I immidiently shook my head rapidly, trying to dispel such thoughts.

I had planned to pay him a surprise visit, but no one was answering the door. After knocking, the door would almost always open right away so as to decrease the chances of being caught, but then again, I didn't give him a warning this time. Luckily for me however, most people seem to be away from the dorms and were most likely out with their friends instead.

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