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What's this? You expected a new chapter?

How cute~
(Sorry about that)

What this actually is, is me doing some recon. I got some questions about the later parts of COTE that I'd like some help answering.

Why? For no particular reason at all. But I will say that helping me might be beneficial to you in the future.

If anyone reading has the ability to answer or thinks they know a lot about the series, your help would be greatly appreciated 😁.


1. Can someone explain Yuki Himeno's perspective on Ichinose and her class? (I heard she wasn't really into the 'power of friendship' thing, is that true?)

2. Has she been that way since the beginning? What's her personality like?

3. Were there others like her (prior to year 2) that felt the same?

4. Did we actually ever see an interaction with Mako in the series, or were all those fanfics just the Author's interpretation of her based on her appearance?

5. Can someone explain Chabashira's backstory please? What was Hoshinomiya's role in it (if there was one).

6. I'm sure there have been a handful of characters from Ichinose's class that have been introduced as of late. Can I please get a rundown of their personalities and relationships?
(I checked the wiki, but mostly empty)

7. Nagumo didn't actually like Ichinose, did he? Is it true that he had some other plans for asking her to date him?

And that should be all for now. If I have more, I'll post a new chapter. Until then, I hope these get answered. (Sorry if I was a little blunt.)

Also, you may be wondering why I suspiciously sound like I wanna write a class B fanfic.

My answer to that is: "You're imagining things."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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