A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 6 [These Moments]

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Kiyotaka POV

"Kiyotaka, I love you..."

On the way back to my room, the events which had transpired not too long ago played in my head. It was the third love confession I had received in my life, and the second rejection I gave.

If that confession had come before Arisu's, I would have definitely said yes. In fact, the thought of confessing to Kei myself crossed my mind just before spring break. Not only would it have been good for Kei's growth as an individual, but it would have also given me a chance to learn about love.

"Welcome back."

The voice that called out to me once I entered my room was that of Arisu Sakayanagi. It seems she's been waiting for me to return.

"Did you give her the idea to confess?"

"I'd say something more like; I lead her to confess her feelings."

To this response, I raised an eyebrow as if to say, 'why?'

The Arisu I knew was one that crushed her opponents without mercy. If anything, I was under the impression that she would have forced Kei to keep a certain distance from me.

"She's quite useful to you, yes? I simply made it so that her efficiency while working for you isn't hindered."

"You're pretty good at reading people."

What she was getting at was something I had also noticed a while ago, since Christmas break. Kei's loyalty to me was something I had no doubt in, and her performance even without Yosuke to secure her position as the leader of the girls was something to be praised. However, the only thing that would have made her less effective as a tool for me was a 'replacement'.

She would try to do things that she normally wouldn't just to improve her worth above the replacement, but that would only make her value plumet.

"By getting her to confess her feelings, not only has she grown to be more open with you, but with your response to her feelings, should have let her see that you would still protect her regardless of the fact that you have a lover."

She hadn't left the room this whole time, but she spoke as if she was present during the confession.

"Kiyotaka, I love you!.. more than you could ever know..."

With tears dried up on her face, more tears flowed from her eyes. It was enough to tell me just how long she had been crying.

"... I see, but I'm sorry. I'm already dating someone, so I can't reciprocate your feelings."

"Hehe... I knew you would say that. I really just wanted to let you know, even... even if it was too late."


Her smile was a bitter one, and I could see that she was doing her best not to completely break down.

"Hey, Kiyotaka... I-"

"Kei, although it's true that my girlfriend is Arisu, I'd like you to keep working with me, as my partner, is that alright?"

After cutting off her next words with an unreasonable request, her eyes widened in surprise.

"...Wow... you guys really are so similar, aren't you?..."

It seems my suspicions were right on the mark, this was what Arisu was after.

"It'll definitely hurt, a lot... but yes. Just like before, please let me work together with you. I want to keep having these fun times together with Kiyotaka... I want to help you get us to class A."

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