A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 2

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Kiyotaka POV.

"I see you've brought some of your own games today."

It was now the 10th time I had come to Sakayanagi's room in the span of about 2 weeks. I came whenever we both didn't have anything planned, so I had come for almost everyday. I was holding a few different games I bought from a nearby store.

"It's not as good quality as the chessboard you have, but I can't really afford anything more expensive."

"Fufu, that's quite alright."

I entered and went to prepare some drinks in the kitchen, it had become a regular routine since the 3rd day I came.

I could see her sort through the games I brought before stopping on one of them.

"Go, huh?"

"I haven't played it as much as chess, but I'm certainly no slouch."

"I see."

Over the days I came to her room, despite not talking a lot, we began to know the other person. Not just through words, but we could read and understand each other through how we played. From what I learned, she was prideful and cautious, but wouldn't hesitate to attack given an opening. She knew the limits of her abilities well and would often use mind games, these tendincies are a lot like what she does in real life. Each game we played conveyed thousands of words, and before we knew it, we had a grasp of who the other person was.

I didn't try to lie or hide any part of me as we played since I didn't see any reason to. She knew about my past and abilities, and I could probably guess that she has an idea of my thoughts and my outlook on life.

We set up the board and began to play. Like our other games, we sat and played in silence, and although this match was close, it obviously had a clear winner. It made sense considering the difference in our expirience, I have been playing for as long as I can remember, while she stated she's played Go less than chess, but regardless, I could tell she was improving as the match went on. Without a doubt, this girl is a genius.

"Can I ask a question Ayanokouji-kun?"


After setting up the game again, she decided to initiate a conversation. She stared deeply into my eyes and asked-

"What do you want?"

I was taken aback by the vague and out of place question, but when I looked into her eyes, I knew what she meant.

"I originally came to this school to escape the White Room. It's not that I hated it or even disliked it, but I became curious about what the outside world was like."

I gave my explanation, but she was still looking into my eyes, it was like she knew that I wasn't saying the whole truth.

I let out a sigh.

"Ever since I can remember, I've always felt like there was something missing about me. The kids around me during my time in the White Room all seemed to have different looks on their faces while I was stuck with one, unchanging expression. I became curious about the things called 'emotions' and took an especially large interest in the emotion called 'love'. An emotion that makes you do the irrational and unreasonable despite knowing it's not efficient."

Sakayanagi's face still didn't change as she waiting for me to finish.

"Whether it be familial, romantic, or just a general love with friends, I wish to expirience it."

As I finished speaking, Sakayanagi closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I see, and have you expirienced any type of love so far?"

"No, although I've made what you might call friends, I still haven't come to understand the feeling called love."

The room became silent for a moment, before she looked resolutely into my eyes once more.

"Then would you like to try?"

I tilted my head in confusion, then she continued.

"Would you like to try and develop the love that you so desire?"

My eyes widened a bit, although I knew what she meant, I didn't expect her to say these words.

"I heard that the best way to develop love is to be loved for who you are and to accept that love and nurture it. In order to do that, You need a partner that both knows the true you and loves you.

She gave her opinion as I listened closely. In all honesty, I had already picked a candidate that fits that role pretty well, but as it stands right now, Sakayanagi Arisu is the person who knows me the deepest in the school. She knows both my past and my true nature, if she did love me, it might not be a bad choice, but I doubt she did. Or so I thought...

"Saying that I don't love you would be nothing less than a lie. Ever since I first met you, I have always felt love for you... Love, charity, affection, love and hate. And as I got the chance to know you more, these feelings have only grown."

I raised an eyebrow in interest, these words were not something I expected to here from Sakayanagi of all people.

"It may not seem like it on the outside, but believe me when I say that my heart, even as we speak is fluttering right now. When I think about you, when your name is mentioned, and when we play, I expirience many types of love and I'd be more than happy to teach you about it."

Receiving a love confession from a person that knows my true nature and intentions was not something I thought would happen in my whole life.

It is a fact that the Sakayanagi Arisu in front of me is more than aware that if she offers herself as my 'lover', she would be used as a tool for me to learn love, but despite that, she has gladly offered herself.

"Are you sure? I think you know by now that I don't have any feelings for you."

"Although it's not my ideal situation, I understand that because of your upbringing, you have never felt love and it will he very difficult for you to develop those feelings. But..."

She paused for a moment as she leaned forward on the table, her face was inches from mine.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure you fall for me."

Words filled with determination were whispered to me in a sweet tone. If what she said was true, then this would be the best chance I have to fill my curiosity on the thing that has been scratching at the back of my mind.

"Fufufu... it was quite embarrassing, but it seems like it was worth it."

Sakayanagi was red in the face, however, she didn't avert her gaze.

"That's the most genuine emotion I've seen you display so far."

Without realizing it, it seems I had a stiffened expression on my face, and for the first time, this was not an act. This was the first face I've genuinely made and it was the first face I showed to my first lover.

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