A Childhood Friend I Never Met. Part 1

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The events here happen after volume 11, but it's like an alternate universe of sorts. This might be a series with multiple parts.

Kiyotaka POV
I woke up to a blank and completely white ceiling, whenever I witness it, all I can do is think about the White Room. I don't especially feel any hate or fondness for it, but it feels dull compared to my time at the school.

It is now the beginning of spring and it's been about half a month since the final special exam of the year and my match against Sakayanagi. Although the result was manipulated by Acting Director Tsukishiro, Sakayanagi and I decided to finish our match properly on our way home.


"As expected of Ayanokouji-kun, it's my loss."

After continuing our game from where we left off, Sakayanagi admitted defeat.

"You don't seem very disappointed."

"All I wanted to do was measure your strength, not complain about the results."

"Well even though I may have won, it was only thanks to the advantage Horikita gave me at the start. I'd say our prowess in chess is pretty even."

"Fufufu, is that your way of comforting me?"

"Not at all, I was only stating facts."

"I see."

After putting the chess board away, we began walking to the dorms side-by-side.

"Although it's regrettable, I guess I'll have to keep my distance from you, I wouldn't want to trouble your regular school life."

Sakayanagi truly did sound as if she didn't want it to happen, but speaking objectively, it was for the best. I stopped walking and as Sakayanagi noticed, she looked back at me.

Perhaps it was because I was bored, or perhaps it was because for the first time, I had met someone to rival me in something, but-

"I don't think we necessarily have to keep our distance. Sure maybe not in public, but what about in secret?"

A gentle breeze carrying leaves passed us by as the sunset illuminated sky behind her. I could see Sakayanagi's eyes widen, she probably didn't expect me to say that and to be honest, neither did I.

"... Well that's certainly unexpected, I would've thought for sure that you would just find it troublesome, especially with the new Acting Director."

"Indeed, it doesn't sound like me, but I don't see any reason why we couldn't hangout every once in a while. I actually quite enjoyed our little game."

Sakayanagi let show a warm smile.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't mind at all."

===Flashback End===

After that, we exchanged contact information, but since then, neither of us have made contact with the other. We probably waited due to the same reason, spring break. Although the first week was filled with events like graduation and getting help from the teachers against Tsukishiro, my schedule from now on was pretty much empty.

I don't necessarily have many friends so I don't usually have anything to do during break. As for Sakayanagi, I could probably imagine someone being with her most of the time for protection if she left the dorms, but other than that, she should be alone.

It was now almost 11:00 am, and I just finished eating breakfast in the lobby. With nothing else to do, I decided to send a text to Sakayanagi.

-Are you free right now?

After a few seconds of waiting, a message appeared.

-Ahh, I was just about to ask the same thing.

It seems we had the same thought process. By her reply, this would mean she is currently free.

-Is it alright if I come visit your room right now?

-Please do, I have nothing really important to do.

After receiving confirmation, I headed to her floor and knocked on her door.

"Ahh, Ayanokouji-kun welcome."

This was the first time I saw her dressed in casual wear, so I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"How do I look?"

She gave me smile that contained a bit of smugness as if she saw through my attempt in keeping my surprise.

"Not bad at all."

"Fufu, well on come in. I apologize, but I can't make any refreshments as it's quite difficult for me to stand without my cane."

"It's alright, I can make us some if you'd like."

"How kind of you, I'll just have some tea if you don't mind."

I nodded as I made my way into her kitchen. Her room wasn't exactly what I expected of a genius like her, she had a little furniture, certainly more than I did, and a teddy bear placed on her bed.

"Please don't mind my room, I may be the leader of class A, but I'm very much still a girl you know?"

She spotted my gaze as she sat on a chair in front of a table.

"I understand, it's just not what I was expecting, but I guess you shouldn't judge people on their status and outward appearance."

"I'm glad you get it, also I've only ever had Kamuro-san into my room so as you can imagine, I'm quite nervous."

Despite saying that with a smile, she seemed to be telling the truth. As I finished making the drinks, I noticed that she brought out a chess board and placed it on the table.

"How much did that cost?"

"Well, it wasn't the cheapest, but I figured that if we were going to play, we should play with a set that's worthy of our level."

"I wouldn't exactly have minded even if it was cheap, but I do appreciate the consideration."

When we began playing, a silent, but comfortable atmosphere filled the air. She would have probably been probing for information and openings if I was any normal person, but she understood that those tricks didn't work on me.

As the game progressed, we had to stop and think carefully for our next moves, and just like we confirmed that day, our skills were indeed almost even.

1 game, 3 games, 10 games. Each game we played was almost a draw, and we continued without stopping. The feeling of boredom seemed to fade with every moment until...


"My, look at the time, it's already 6."

We seemed to have been playing non-stop for 7 hours. Neither of us noticed the time, while we were playing, it was only us and the chessboard, not even the feeling of hunger registered until an outward sound was projected from our stomach.

"Although I'd like to get something to eat, I don't exactly feel right leaving you here with no food."

"It's alright, if we end here for today we can both eat, you can go first and I'll follow after you leave."

"Are you sure?"

As I tilted my head for confirmation as she made a small nod. I didn't exactly see any reason to object so I did as planned.

While eating at then lobby, I took a brief glance at Sakayanagi who had arrived not too long ago. She was sitting not too far away as she ate a pretty light meal. We made eye contact once or twice, but other than that we minded out own business.

After having dinner, I entered my room tired. Although chess isn't exactly a physically draining activity, I felt more tired than I ever had since entering the school. I changed into my sleep wear and lied down exhausted on my bed.

Despite spending most of my time in a single spot, today has without a doubt been the most tiring and most fun I've had for as long as I can remember.

Authors note.
As you could probably guess from the title, this one will be a series and I should have published the next part along with this as well.

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