Surprise Visit

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This story takes place after the events of volume 11.75

It's been a week since we had our first phone call as lovers, and right now, I, Karuizawa Kei am lying on my bed staring into the ceiling. It's now 6:00 in the evening and having just came back with my friends, I lay exhausted on my bed.

Ever since Kiyotaka confessed to me, whenever I was given the chance, my thoughts would unconsciously bring me to the same scene over and over again.

His unwavering eyes and handsome features lingered in my head as I replayed the confession several times. My mind would echo every word he spoke and before I knew it, a familiar moment remained in my mind.

["Eh? W-wait, wait, wait, d-don't tell me you wanna kiss?"]

["Hm? No, I won't do that, not yet."]

"Aaaaahhhhhhh nooooo!!! What am I thinking? Pull yourself together Kei, you are an upbeat gyaru who wouldn't be flustered from one measly line."

I took a deep breath in order to calm myself. When suddenly, a ring came from my phone, it was a message from Kiyotaka.

-Are you in your room by any chance?

I was surprised as this was the first time he initiated contact since his confession. Recently, I've been the one calling or texting him first when I felt like hearing his voice or chatting with him.

-Hmm? Yeah you need something?

I gave a reply that seemed to be filled with confidence, however I was anything but calm. I let out a small chuckle after having the feeling of surprise leave my body. I waited and waited, but there was no response, minutes felt like decades and as the time passed, I began to suspect that this was just him teasing me. I was just about to reply and make him pay for playing with my heart, however...

*Knock, knock

A knock at the door stopped me. I was wracking my brain around who it could have been while heading over to the door. I was preparing for an encounter, but to my surprise, no one was visible through the peephole.

I decided that it must have been a knock for another door and headed back to my phone, but a knock was made at my door again.

I turned back and looked through the peephole with a confused feeling building up, only to see no one again. If this was a prank, I was about to give them a piece of my mind. I swung my door open violently and immidiently looked to the hall.

"Huh? No ones here?"

As I was about to look the other way, I heard a whisper in my ear.



My mouth was immidiently covered by a hand and in front of me was a familiar brown haired boy with sharp brown eyes.

"We'll get caught if you're too loud."

Without permission he walked in the room with his hand still covering my mouth, refusing to let go until the door was closed.

"Huh? W-what are you doing here?"

"Hmm? Do I need a reason to visit my girlfriend?"

Being described with the term 'girlfriend' from him was still new to me, it gave me a shock of electricity through my spine followed by a warm feeling.

"Girlfrie- *cough* s-so, are you going to explain why you're here without any warning?"

I cleared my throat as I regained my composure to give off the impression that I was calm, but...

"That's not a very nice way to welcome your boyfriend, Kei."

The 1-2 combo launched by the word 'boyfriend' followed by my first name landed a beautiful critical hit.

"Ahh, uggu..."

"Something the matter Kei?"

"Uuff.. I-I'm fine"

"Are you sure, Kei?"

The third one confirmed that he was teasing me.

"Aaaahh mouu, Kiyotaka!"

I repeatedly hit his chest with my face flushed *pon *pon *pon

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to surprise you."

"Why now though? This isn't like you at all. I mean like, what if someone caught you?"

"Don't worry about that, I have some safety measures prepared."

After letting out a sigh filled with awe, I took another deep breath to process the events unfolding in front of me. I should've guessed he had something planned, this is Kiyotaka after all, cold and cruel, but also sharp and cunning.

"Hold on, let me prepare something. What would you like?"

"Coffee please"

I began to boil the water, and as I did, I saw his figure head to the table and sit down. Although I couldn't see my face, I probably had a stupid grin covering it.

"You know it's not good to enter a girls room unnounced and unwelcome, even if we are dating."

Like what if I hadn't clean my room yesterday? That would have been embarrassing.

"Oh, should I not have come?"

"..Well, I'll let it pass for today, but you need to understand that there's a reason why boys can't just come into a girl's room uninvited."

He tilted his head, I could basically see a question mark above his head. Seriously how can a guy be so smart, but so hopeless at the same time?

At this point, I've lost count of how many time's I've felt like sighing in the span of less than 10 minutes. After a few minutes, I head over beside him and handed his drink.


"Nn. So, did you need something important? It's usually me who goes to your room, and what's more you said that this was a surprise, right? For what?"

"Hmm? I just read- I mean thought that surprising your lover is something a boyfriend does."

"You totally just said read didn't you?!"

He ignored my tsukkomi and continued speaking.

"Besides... I just wanted to see Kei today"

Aaaaahhhhh how can you say that with a straight face. Idiot why!!??
If he learned to smile, there would be no doubt in my mind he would be one of the most handsome boys in the whole school, but not once have I seen him do so.

While I was trying to imagine him smiling...

"Kei, why are you breathing so hard? you're going to hyperventilate."

"Eh? Oh uh, nothing."

Everytime we meet, my heart races and I can't think straight. Even though I've never fallen in love before in my life, I can say with absolute certainty, that I, Karuizawa Kei, am completely smitten.

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