04 | "You!"

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Giving Calix a tight smile, I drag Gold, who is still gawking at him, to the door. Funneh and Draco are already there, putting their shoes on.

"Do you think she knows I didn't do my Physics today?" Funneh whispers, though we all know the answer.

"She's called me twice already. Hurry up!" Gold ushers us to the elevator.

In the elevator, Gold lays out our defense plan: Funneh will go first and try to sweeten Rainbow up. Draco will follow, conveniently mentioning the perfect mark he got in Coding class. I'll go next, followed by Gold.

"Wait, shouldn't Funneh go last? Since she's the targeted one here?" I point out, but before they can respond, the door dings open to reveal a grim-looking Rainbow.

Funneh shoves me forward, for some unknown reason, to face Rainbow's wrath.

"Hi-" I start, but Rainbow promptly turns away and walks out the front doors. We follow behind her obediently, like chickens following the hen.

Wait, why am I being obedient? I didn't do anything wrong, it's the Funneh who's in trouble!

Rainbow's car is parked outside, and we all pile into it. The others all squeeze into the back, even Draco, who always insists on taking shotgun, leaving the other front seat for me.

"Would anyone like to explain why you're all out partying on a Sunday night? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Rainbow asks sternly, though it's hard to take her seriously. She's rarely angry, and when she is, it doesn't last very long. Like, maybe a few minutes at best.

"...No?" Funneh offers helpfully, and I can imagine Gold pinching Funneh, because she quickly adds, "But I saved a cupcake for you!" Funneh holds up the small pink cupcake like a peace offering. Rainbow heaves a long sigh, but she takes the cupcake and Funneh grins.

"So, have you studied up to page 80?" Rainbow asks.

"Of course not! I barely made it through the first page without falling asl-" This time, I hear Gold pinching Funneh. "Ow! Yo!" Funneh shouts, and Rainbow sighs from beside me. I see Draco cover Funneh's mouth with his hand from the corner of my eyes.

Despite their predicament, I smile, relishing in the moment. Even though I have so few friends that I can count them on one hand, the relationship of my family covers what joys I might've missed. Our relationship is complicated; family love, friendship, but also the vengefulness of die-hard enemies.

I feel my hands trembling; a sign my magic is strained.

No, not magic. It's simply an ability I'm cursed to live with.

I slide down on the seat, making sure the back of the seat covers my whole head, and allow my illusion to fade.

Once again, I'm reminded of why I usually stay home; I get too stressed around people and my body takes that as a sign to hyper-illude, draining my stamina.

The car stops in front of our building, looking exactly the same as the one we'd just left. All the buildings on campus look similar, adding a layer of dullness, but the colourful plants scattered around contrast it.

"Are you sleeping here tonight?" Gold asks hopefully as she climbs out.

Rainbow nods. "I don't have school next week, and my job is closer to your apartment."

"You're staying home for a whole week? Yes!" Funneh cheers, grinning at me as I join them, my glamour back on.

"Gold, you'll have to move back to Funneh's room then," Draco points out, pressing a button for the elevator.

"Rainbow can just stay in Funneh's room. It's not like she's staying here long-term anyway." I regret what I said immediately as they all fall silent.

Damn it, Lunar, think before you speak!

"I mean, it would be a hassle for Gold to move her fashion-show amount of clothes back to Funneh's room." I add quickly, hoping to lessen the harshness of my last sentence.

Gold nods, quickly jumping on board to rescue me. "Yeah. Honestly, I doubt I'd even be able to move them all tonight!"

"Rainbow, just stay in Funneh's room, so we don't have to suffer through Gold's moaning and groaning." Draco finishes.

Rainbow smiles, and I love her for not thinking twice about what I'd said.

Upon entering our room, Rainbow immediately lets out a small shriek at the piles of dishes in our sink, the scattered shoes littered all over the floor, and the messy couch full of empty chip bags.

I wince, imagining her reaction upon seeing our messy bedrooms.

We spend half the night cleaning up our apartment. School or no school tomorrow, we aren't going to sleep with a messy house.

Rainbow wakes us up the next morning with the delicious scent of warm pancakes and bacon.

I manage to make it to the kitchen before Funneh and Draco are up. Trust me, once they've entered the kitchen, there'll be no breakfast left for us.

"Good morning," Rainbow greets cheerfully, handing me a plate. Yes, the pancakes are burnt on one side, and the bacon is basically crisp, but it's the thought that counts, right?

I end up giving the pancakes to Draco.

"My shift ends late tonight, so you'd have to make yourself dinner. Draco, don't play video games immediately when you come home. Funneh, you better finish reading up to page 80," Rainbow ignores the face Funneh makes. "Gold, please finish cleaning the drawers you didn't clean last night, and Lunar," she turns to me, but seems unsure of what to admonish me on.

I don't blame her. I'm decent in my studies, I'm not glued to my screen 24/7, and I don't have enough stuff to be that messy. Except for the fact that my sketching book is like a part of me, there's really nothing wrong with me.

Well, except for the fact that I'm an elf. Or a demon. Maybe a pixie with no wings? I'm not exactly sure what I am, but I know I'm not human.

"I'll be a good student." I finish for her, smiling.

Funneh and I have our first class together, so I wait for her to finish getting ready by the door, impatient tapping my foot.

"Okay, let's go!" Funneh says, rushing out from the bathroom.

"Where's your backpack?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

She gives me comically wide eyes that would've cracked me up if we weren't already running late. I heave a sigh through my nose as she runs back to her room and fetches her backpack.

"Sorry, sorry!" Funneh trails after me as we make our way to the Literature Building.

She knows I hate being late. Not because I'm a teacher's pet (my grades are too bad for that), but because everyone turns and stares at you as you walk in. That exact thing I'm trying to avoid.

We manage to arrive a few minutes before the bell goes off.

Funneh takes her seat beside mine at the back and turns to me, a light glinting in her amber eyes. "A little birdie told me that you were talking to a boy last night. Is that true?"

I knew this conversation was going to happen.

"What boy?" I ask, feigning innocence.

Funneh narrows her eyes. "You know who I'm talking about."

"Who are we talking about?" A familiar voice asks, the owner plopping down on the chair in front of me.

"You!" Funneh exclaims, mouth shaping into a comical 'O'.

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