10 | birthday gal

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A party horn blasts into my ears, shaking me from the tired daze I was in. I'd just opened the door to my apartment after a long day of school, my arms aching from painting in the art room that afternoon.

I've been more tired than usual, and I fall asleep right after coming home from school now. I can sense my siblings' worries, but they haven't said anything. I wonder if my tiredness has something to do with my failing illusion ability...

The apartment is decorated with streamers, balloons, banners, ribbons, everything. A huge sketch of my face stares back at me from across the room, daring me to step in.

"W-wow, guys, I don't even know what to say...!" I stammer, clinging on to the doorknob for support. I've never been one for surprise birthdays, especially ones right in my own house, which is supposed to be the safest place on earth.

"We almost decided to hold this surprise party in the art room," Funneh stops blasting the party horn, "but Rainbow said you'd appreciate a more private party."

I throw Rainbow, who's snapping pictures on her pink Polaroid camera, a grateful look. She winks back.

Gold throws herself at me, knocking me back a few steps. "Happy 16th birthday!"

Funneh joins in. I hear Kyran's surprised cough as Rainbow throws him the Polaroid camera and follows Funneh's lead, dragging Draco with her along the way.

As my siblings let go, I get the chance to look around more carefully. The couches' matte cushions are replaced with various shades of purple ones. Banners drape across the ceiling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNAR" inked across in blocky letters. Purple and teal streamers hang down from the doorway to my room as a human emerges.

My eyes widen as Calix appears, hands casually tucked in his pockets, a small smile forming. "Hey, birthday gal."

I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Calix at all since our... disagreement a week ago. Teachers have been piling homework on us as spring break creeps closer each day, and I haven't gotten the chance to apologize to him.

"Hi," I croak, my voice betraying my inability to speak normally around him. I cough and try again. "Hey, Calix. I didn't know you were here."

"I invited him!" Gold chirps up, nudging me with her elbow. "Funneh mentioned you guys weren't talking," she leans down to whisper.

"He drew that!" Rainbow points at my big face staring back. "Isn't it great?"

I knew there was something familiar about that illustration. In a few simple strokes, he's managed to capture my flowing purple hair, the mischievous twinkle in my almond eyes, and the way my mouth quirks up at the edge when I'm pleased.

He's been studying me, I realize. Sneaking glances at me in the cafeteria while his "friends" arm wrestle, he has managed to capture every detail of my appearance.

A flower blossoms in my chest, its petals sending jittery flutters into my veins. They travel through my body, spreading happiness everywhere.

"Thank you," I whisper, staring at Calix.

He looks relieved as the small smile blooms into a grin.

A sudden urge to kiss that perfect grin knocks into me. I stand there, imagining what it would feel like before I can stop myself.

Lunar! Snap out of it!

"Cake?" Rainbow asks, and an answering cheer comes from everyone, Calix included. He's turned away, unaware of my traitorous brain.

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