21 | the final battle (pt.2)

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Abigale's booming laugh interrupts our thoughts. "Hilarious. You guys actually thought I would fall for this again? I've made preparations." She waves her hand and a wave of water snatches the necklace from Rainbow, smashing it into pieces against a tree.

Oh, crap.

The same branch that holds Gold hostage swoops down and gathers Rainbow up, ignoring my screams. Funneh makes a leap for their feet and grabs them, but the branch shakes Funneh off violently. She hits the ground with a thud and doesn't move.

No, no, no!

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, preparing to suck your magic out." Abigale advances on me, ignoring the hair clips Gold is chucking at her.

A long stick jabs into her side and she stumbles sideways, right into the trap we'd planned. The net springs up into a tie at the top, trapping her as she falls through the earth.

I lift my hands from the ground, revealing the big hole there that'd been covered by my magic. "Nice aim," I grin at Calix as he helps me up, stick in one hand.

Water shoots out from the hole, bringing the tied Abigale up before it rushes toward us, knocking us back. I watch, horrified, as a small fire lights up on the net and it disintegrates into ash.

Alright. Time to improvise.

"How dare you poke me! With a stick, no less!" Abigale is too focused on Calix to see me, hidden by my illusion magic, tiptoeing my way around the clearing and behind her.

"I wanted to see how much of you is sludge, and how much is an actual human." Calix retorts, barely flinching as Abigale picks up one of Funneh's arrows from the ground and throws it at him, the magicked wind making it accelerate.

"I would suggest you tame yourself, boy. That arrow was poisoned. Next time, I won't miss."


I instinctively slap a hand over my mouth, but Abigale's too focused on Calix to hear me.

Calix must've had the same hidden thought I had, because he scoffs dryly, "I doubt you missed that last one on purpose."

Abigail's body shakes with rage and the wind grabs her another one of Funneh's arrows. I see the glistening poison on it moments before it flies at Calix. He rolls sideways, barely missing it.

"Is that the best you can do, old witch?" Calix taunts as he starts running to the other side of the clearing. More arrows come to Abigail and fly at Calix, who flattens himself onto the ground.

The poisoned arrows hit Abigail's branch prisons. The wood instantly disintegrates, allowing Kyran, Gold, and Rainbow to fall on the ground.

Wow, that's acidic poison all right.

"You!" Abigail roars, and I feel the ground tremble as she raises her arms up, like she's summoning something. However, before whatever she's summoning can break the surface, Rainbow slams into her, breaking her concentration.

Funneh runs over, bow drawn as she shoots multiple arrows at Abigail, each arrow pinning a piece of her fabric to a tree. "How do we kill her?" Funneh asks, voice tense.

"Cover me," I whisper as I sprint away to the used arrows on the ground.

"Yo! Ugly!" Funneh yells, waving and running away from me. Abigail looks up, a ball of fiery flames forming in her palm.

I grab three arrows before making us disappear. Fists clenched, I slowly make my way to Abigail as she throws fireballs at Funneh. They all miss, hitting Alec's ice cage instead. The ice melts and Alec tumbles out, but Kyran catches him and stops him from falling on the ground. Funneh runs over, concern etched on her face.

Draco suddenly emerges from the woods, right in front of Abigale, panting heavily. In my moment of surprise, my disguise fades and I stand there, gulping, as Abigale sets narrowed eyes on Draco and me on either side of her.

Draco's standing closer.

"Draco!" I yell without hesitation, throwing the arrows to him. "Forehead!"

"Yah!" Draco yells, stabbing all three arrows into Abigale's forehead.

Abigail screams as she turns on me, eyes and mouth open. "You little—!" But before she has a chance to do anything, her opened eyes and mouth turn bright, like light bulbs. Her body explodes, transforming into a solar halo in the sky.

Little bulbs of light flies around the now-empty space. I see blue, white, red, yellow, green, grey, magenta, and purple.

My painting... it's coming true.

They dance around my wide-eyed friends before inserting themselves in each of their bodies, where their heart is. Gold's body glows yellow, Funneh's body glows white, Rainbow's body glows dark pink, Draco's body glows grey, Alec's body glows red, Kyran's body glows blue, and Calix's body glows green.

The purple orb circles around where Abigale once stood before bursting into ashes itself.

3 months later

"Ugh! How do you deal with the constant pressure of having magic?" Gold asks as her lamp flickers on and off, in beat to her pen-tapping as she studies the paper in front of her. "It's like the lamp is teasing me!"

Alec groans as the textbook he's holding suddenly lights up in fire. "Damn it! I have a test tomorrow!"

Kyran lifts his palms and water shoots out, drenching Alec's textbook, emitting another groan from Alec.

"Funneh, did you finish your homework?" Rainbow asks Funneh, who's making herself a bowl of organic shaved ice.

"...Yes?" Funneh says slowly. While she's distracted, Draco whips up a small gust of wind and steals the shaved ice she had set on the counter. "Hey!" Funneh exclaims, light blue eyes flashing indignantly.

Rainbow raises an eyebrow at Funneh. "You know, I have psychic powers now; I can read your mind. I know you haven't touched your backpack since you came home from school. Nice try."

Who decided to give Rainbow the mind-reading ability?

Funneh must've thought the same thing, because Rainbow says sharply, "Hey, you got ice powers. Who thought that was a good idea? Now all you do is make yourself shaved ice."

A small tug makes me look down at my waist, where a small branch has twined its way up. The tip of it flicks my nose playfully before sprouting into a beautiful lilac flower.

Smiling, I turn behind me to look at Calix, who's stretched out on the couch, face hidden by a comic book. I grab the cup of water on the table beside me, disguising it as the lilac flower as I make my way over to him.

"Hey," he puts down his comic and looks up at me.

"Don't mind me," I take off the disguise and dump my water on his head. "I'm just watering my favourite plant."

Calix laughs and shakes his head at me, spraying droplets of water everywhere. "I'm going to need more love than that, Lunar." His dark green eyes twinkle up at me.

"Get a room, you two!" Draco yells, a strong gust of wind separating Calix and me.

We all burst out laughing, the atmosphere at ease, at last.


Aww, you're still here? Thank you for reading the whole thing and for being on this journey with me! As a token of gratitude, there will be 2 BONUS CHAPTERS coming soon! <3

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