07 | shell-less slug

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A cold shiver goes down my back at the thought, and I'm pretty sure my face blanches. Normally, I would just use a simple illusion to cover it up, but I don't need a mirror to know it isn't working this time.

Thankfully, nobody notices as they're all too engrossed in their food.

"What's everyone up to tomorrow?" Funneh asks, stretching her fingers out to snag a piece of Alec's fries.

"The usual. I have a biology test tomorrow." Gold groans at the thought. "Honestly, Rainbow, I don't know how you deal with all those science-y things all day."

Rainbow snorts. "Those 'science-y' things can save your life one day! Speaking of science, I have a good pun!"

We groan in unison, while Calix looks confused.

Rainbow ignores our protests. "How do you plan a space party?"

A beat of silence passes.

"You planet!" She answers, then doubles over, laughing.

Calix lets out a snort beside me.

"Rainbow," Funneh starts,

"That sucked." Draco finishes.

"Fine. I have another one: Did you hear about the racing snail who got rid of his shell?" Rainbow persists.

"A snail with no shell?" Gold's nose wrinkles. "Won't it look... naked?"

"I'm pretty sure it just looks like a slug." I can't help but smirk as Gold shoots me a horrified and disgusted look.

"The answer is," Rainbow cuts in, "he thought it would make him faster, but it just made him sluggish."

Calix bursts out laughing, the sound startling me so much I almost choked on my food. "That was a good one!"

Rainbow beams, and I can see their bond forming already.

After the food progressively disappears, Rainbow assigns us each a chore to do, despite Calix (and Draco)'s protests.

"Hey," I stand beside Calix, who's scrubbing dishes beside me. "Thanks for inviting us over today. I'm... glad we came."

He smiles. "I'm glad you came, too."

I'm walking to my second period the next day when I hear a sudden outburst of laughs. I turn to see a group of boys, all wearing sport jerseys and shorts, laughing at something on one of their phones. Calix is with them, and he's also laughing, but he has a pained look on his face, like he's not enjoying it at all.

He looks up and our eyes meet. I wonder if I imagined the relief in his eyes as he mutters something to his friends and hurries over.

"Hey, what did you get?" It takes me a few moments to figure out he's talking about my art mark; midterms just came out.

"97." I'm really not trying to brag, but I still wince at how aloof my voice is.

Calix gasps like a spider just plopped down on my head. I flinch.

"What! Wow! How?" His enthusiasm makes my cheeks—and heart—warm. I've never been praised before. Teachers rarely notice me, a walking shadow, and Rainbow is always too busy scolding Funneh and Draco to care what grades I get. "I only got 79-percent."

I mean to thank him, but my mouth has a mind of its own. "Wow, you suck." I wince as he falls silent, wishing I could snatch the words out of midair and shove them back down my throat.

"Very true. You know what could help me, though? You tutoring me."

You really don't suck, I want to say. 79% isn't bad at all. Heck, it's better than what Funneh gets on her Physics.

Instead, I smirk. "I don't think even I could help you."

"Oh yeah? Let's bet."

I should know not to accept. I've seen enough examples of Funneh and Draco's betting games to know the consequences. "It's on."

At Lunch, I arrive at our usual table to find Calix sitting on my spot, laughing hard at something Draco said.

"Hey, Lunar!" Funneh greets, plopping a chip in her mouth.

My left eye twitches.

Gold, not having a problem with this new arrangement, sits down beside Funneh, who ignores my pleading eyes, forcing me to take the only unoccupied seat, which is beside Calix.

What is he doing here? Does he want something, or is he simply trying to be nice?

Calix turns to me and breaks off my train of thoughts. "So, about the bet. After school tomorrow, at my house?"

It takes me a few blinks to figure out how to respond. "Tutoring?" At his nod, I stammer out a pathetic, "I-I was joking!"

"Well, I wasn't."

My heart sinks. There's no backing out.

"What bet?" Draco asks, snagging one of my Oreos.

"If Lunar can raise my art score up to an A, she wins. If my mark falls," Calix makes direct eye contact with me, "I get to ask her a question, and she has to answer truthfully."

My hand unconsciously moves to my chest to check if my heart is still beating.

Draco boos. "That's such a boring bet."

Calix doesn't reply. Instead, he's still staring at me, waiting, watching, for a reaction.

I force my hand to lay still by my side. "What do I get if I win?" I ask evenly.

Calix shrugs. "That's up to you. You won't be winning, though." He adds the last part with a cheeky grin.

Kyran and Alec arrive then, their hair wet from gym class.

"Alec!" Funneh exclaims, and Alec grins at her as she scoots over to make space for him.

Huh, so she can move for Alec, but not for me?

Kyran shuffles his feet awkwardly before Calix scoots to make space for him. Hiis entire side squished against mine, and I'm suddenly fully aware of the warmth radiating off him.

I put my sandwich back into its container, not trusting myself to safely consume food.

Thankfully, the bell rings, extracting groans from Alec and Kyran, who barely got to eat. They leave the cafeteria with Draco and Funneh, bickering.

"See you tomorrow. I'll meet you by the sycamore tree." Calix whispers to me before leaving the table, waving two fingers in farewell.

I stare at his retreating back, at a loss for words.

Something nudges my shoulder, and Gold whispers, "He's cute."

"Yeah, well, Kyran's also cute." I shoot back defensively.

When Gold doesn't object, like she usually does, I turn to stare at her. "Gold?"

She's biting her lips, her eyes avoiding mine.

I gasp, a bit too loud. "When?"

She likes him! She likes him!

"I don't know," Gold groans. "We were rolling dough at Calix's apartment the other night, and I accidentally touched his fingers, and I just... felt a jolt. And now I'm not sure how to act around him."

I smile and pat her back. "Act the way you want to. If he truly likes you, he'll like every way of you."

Gold takes a deep breath and nods. "Right. I got this. He's still Kyran." She turns and hugs me. My body stiffens momentarily before I hug her back. "Thanks, Lunar."

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