-01 | The Tale of the 9 Dames

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Centuries ago, there were 9 witches who were also sisters. They protected and defended the people of Earth from violent creatures for centuries until no beast dared to set foot on the surface of Earth.

The eldest sister, Acacia, had the power of psychic. She was able to read minds, but could only read one mind at a time.

The second sister, Entonia, was able to control the impulsive electricity. She was as vigorous as energy.

The third sister, Camilla was able to control water in its solid state—ice. She was as cold as the Arctic.

The fourth sister, Sora, could control the whimsical air. She was as free-spirited as the northern winds.

The fifth sister, Penna, could control water in its liquid form. She was as tranquil as water.

The sixth sister, Marya, could control the recalcitrant flames. She was the fiercest of the sisters.

The seventh sister, Noor, commanded all plant creatures, She was never seen without a smile on her face—except for when she was betrayed by Abigale.

The eighth sister had the power of illusion. She was known as Luna.

And the ninth, and youngest, sister had the power of poison. Her name was Abigale and she was born with a poisoned heart.

Soon, the youngest sister began to grow jealous of her sisters' powers. She used her magic to slowly weaken her sisters one by one, until they were too weak to defend themselves from her. She took each of her sisters' power, one by one, until only Luna—whom Abigale was the closest to—was left. Luna was able to run away in the dead of the night, using Abigale's soft spot for her as an advantage. Scarred by what she'd witnessed, she decided to settle down, blend within humanity, and live a normal life.

What Luna didn't expect, of course, was for her magic gene to arrive in a descendent, centuries later...

But that's a story for another time.

Centuries ago

"Sister! It's coming at you!" Acacia's voice pounded in Abigale's head with no warning, as always. Good thing Abigale was used to her sister's rudeness. Careful to keep her annoyance hidden over a dark veil at the bottom of her mind, Abigale turned around and faced the beast charging at her.

"Marya's burnt it badly, and it's blind. Give it the fatal blow, little sister, but do it swiftly." Acacia instructed in Abigale's head, her voice making Abigale's frown deepen until it was a scowl.

Just because I'm younger and have less control over my ability, Abigale thought darkly, doesn't mean I'm incompetent. You don't have to guard my every move, elder sister.

She could feel Acacia's surprised hurt, and smiled as she felt Acacia leave her mind.

Raising both hands up in front of her, palms facing the beast, she tried to channel her magic out in the way her sisters had taught her. A small, pathetic string of black shoots out, stops midway to the beast and disappears.

The scorched beast continued to charge toward Abigale, its six-holed nose flared in agony and rage. Rolling her eyes, Abigale let go of the peaceful magic channeling her sisters had hammered in her mind and instead let her annoyance flood out. A thick black strand, glistening with poison, wrapped itself around the beast's legs—too many for Abigale to count—and the beast fell down, making a great thud.

Abigale found it way easier to control her magic when she let her "negative emotions", as her sisters had called it, out than she did when she channeled them out peacefully and morally.

The beast made a loud grunt and struggled on the ground, but Abigale knew its struggles were useless; once she had made her target, nobody escaped.

"Abigale!" Entonia yelled as the beast was suddenly engulfed in white, cackling electricity. Abigale felt her scowl returning, but she kept it at bay. Out of all her sisters, Abigale loathed Entonia. Not only was she virtuous, she also had an ability none of them could understand.

"Why were you letting the beast suffer?" Entonia asked as the sizzling electricity that was burning the beast alive disappeared, leaving smoke everywhere. "You know our rules, little sister."

Abigale looked up into Entonia's pale yellow eyes, which were burning with anger, and shrugged. "Sorry, Entonia. I wasn't able to control my magic," she said flatly.

Entonia frowned, but before she could say anything, a gentle hand touched her shoulder.

"It's okay, Entonia. Abigale is still young; she will learn." Penna said softly, her intelligent blue eyes seemed to pierce Abigale's eyes, forcing her to look away. Abigale hated Penna, so self-righteous with her calm and controlled self.

"Entonia, we've discussed this!" Acacia reprimanded as a gentle leaf carried her, Camilla, and Noor towards the group. "Your magic is too uncontrollable; we can't show humans it yet, they're not evolved enough."

Abigale looked down at her palms, where two black squiggles were trying to force their way out. Almost, little ones, almost, she thought.

Sora and Marya arrived in a soft landing, air whooshing out from behind them.

"Where's Luna?" As soon as the words left Noor's lips, Luna materialized beside Abigale, a half-smile on her face.

"Sorry, Noor. I was waiting to see how long my illusion would last me."

"You're really getting good at controlling your ability, aren't you?" Sora praised, and though Abigale felt a twinge of jealousy, she knew Luna deserved the praise.

Marya opened her mouth, but instead of praising Luna, she collapsed on the ground.

"Marya!" Shrieks sounded from Abigale's sisters. She watched as Penna leaned down to touch Marya's forehead, where a small red cut was forming.

"What's wrong with Marya?" Abigale asked, in the most concerned voice she could muster.

Acacia sighed. "It appears the beast had wounded Marya without her realization."

"But it's just a small cut..." Abigale forced a look of childish curiosity on her face. She did, in fact, want to know why everyone was making a big fuss out of a small cut.

"On her forehead. Our foreheads are our most vulnerable part. We didn't tell you this, Abigale, for we feared it was a little too soon, but this is a secret you must take to your deathbed, understand?" Penna held Abigale's gaze as she spoke, blue eyes serious.

Abigale nodded quickly, feeling like a kid who was allowed to stay up late. "Of course, sister. Thank you for entrusting that information with me." She threw a quick glance at Luna, who appeared to be surprised too, like she hadn't heard the information before either.

Marya lets out a small groan as she opened her eyes. They widened as she realized all her sisters were staring at her. "Sisters!" She exclaimed as Sora helped her up. "What... happened?"

"You were foolish enough to get wounded on your forehead," Camilla snapped.

Marya gave her a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't even realize I was wounded."

"I wasn't worried," Camilla retorted, but Abigale could see past her cold commentary. She decided that Camilla would be the first to go, using this new information she'd learned.

"Remember what I said, Abigale." Penna whispered as they travelled back to their habitat.

I don't see you reminding Luna, Abigale thought snarkily.

"Of course, Penna. I will carry it to our graves."

And Abigale did keep her promise.

She carried the secret until their graves.

But not her grave, for she told Lunar. A little too soon.

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