15 | coming out

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"No, no, no, no," I whisper, snatching a leaf from the ground and frantically wiping it across Calix's neck, trying to wipe the poison off.

"Yikes, that looks bad." I hear Draco's voice as he comes over to stand behind me.

"At least he's not dead," Funneh points out. Normally I would have agreed, but not when we're talking about Calix. Never about Calix.

"Let's get him help," Rainbow says, pulling her phone out.

"That nasty woman harmed Lunar too. Her forehead's been poisoned." Gold's cold hands feel my forehead. Now that she's mentioned it, I can feel the tiredness taking over me again.

I lean back, allowing my eyes to close for a quick moment. Only 5 seconds, I think to myself.

The steady bump of wheels against the ground rouses me. I feel the bones of someone's shoulder under my cheek, and I jerk up in alarm, eyes blinking wearily. I can feel a familiar headache forming.

"Shh, it's okay, it's just me." Gold says gently. I see the darkened sky, tainted briefly at the edge by the rising dawn, outside the car window.

We're in Rainbow's car, driving along an empty road.

"Is Calix okay? What happened? Where are we?"

"We just got out of the nearest hospital," Rainbow speaks up from the driver's seat. "They said your poison wound wasn't too deep. We're driving home right now."

"But Calix—"

"He's fine, Lunar. They decided to keep him at the hospital for a few days to be supervised."

"He seemed to be in a lot of pain when they were cleaning—" Draco says from beside me, but is quickly cut off by Funneh.


I spin to face Draco, so quickly that my vision blacks out for a few seconds. Not that I can see much anyway; it's pitch dark, with only the occasional passing street lamps to light the way. "What do you mean? He woke up?"

Draco nods. "Yeah. Funneh, Kyran, and I were watching him. The nurses were cleaning his wound and he started—"

"Alright, Draco, that's enough." Rainbow's using her stern, you-better-not-disobey-me voice.

"No, continue, please. I can handle it." I'm practically begging him.

Draco darts a quick glance at Rainbow and Funneh in the front. "Well, he just started to make a lot of groaning noises. But they injected something in him and he stopped."

"Injected something?" My voice is about 3 pitches higher than normal.

"They sedated him," Gold translates quickly, and my heartbeat slows down. Just a little.

"Is he all alone at the hospital? What if he wakes up?"

"Kyran and Alec offered to stay with him," Gold reassures, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Lunar, please stop worrying about that boy. You almost died!" Gold's voice is strained; I've never heard it that stressed before.

"But I thought Rainbow said—"

"She was trying not to stress you," Gold sighs. "The doctors said you almost didn't make it, but the poison wound wasn't even fatal." She turns to me, eyes glittering in the moonlight. "What are you hiding, Lunar?"

I swallow. 16 years. 16 years of hiding the truth. Am I ready to tell them?

"Please, Lunar. My littlest sister almost died today, and I wouldn't have known why." Rainbow says softly from the front seat, and I see Funneh reach over and squeeze her shoulders.

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