17 | a hospital visit

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If the driver notices my strange outfit—especially the overly large sunglasses on a rainy day—he doesn't show it.

"Is one of your loved ones in danger?" The driver asks as we speed away.

"...Yes." I frown out the window and think, He's chatty.

The man nods. "You have the worrying look so many of my passengers have when they ask for the hospital."

"I think my 'worrying look' was because I got into a fight," I mumble. "One of my friends is wounded, but he's not in danger."

"A fight? Are you hurt?" He looks up at his rearview mirror, his eyes catching mine.

His concern warms me up from the inside. "It wasn't a physical fight; just a little argument with my siblings."

"Ah, I see."

"May I... ask for your name, sir?"

"Joseph. And you?"

"Wenny, but you can call me Lunar."

"Lunar," Joseph says, a distant smile coming on his face. "You remind me a lot of my daughter."

"Is your daughter in school?"

"I have two; the youngest lives near you, actually. Her name is Rosa. The older one just graduated. She's living in New York now, with her boyfriend." Joseph's smiling while he speaks, but there's a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I... know your daughter. She's very nice and friendly." Not knowing what to say, I look down at my hands.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting youngsters don't care about my life story. Tell me more about your friend," Joseph's eyes lift up mischievously.

"Um, well, his name is Calix," I stammer, caught off-guard. "He goes to my school. I tutor him in art. He, uh, has a poison wound."

"How did he get injured?"

I wince. "He was trying to save me. It wasn't a very thought-out plan, and he kind of just appeared out of nowhere, but... he did save me." I sigh, fiddling with my hands. "I... think he regrets saving me though."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, he got really injured and is in a lot of pain. I don't think he thinks I was worth it." My traitorous voice cracks.

Wow, Abigale was right; I really am bad at controlling my emotions.

"Why don't you let him be the judge of that," Joseph catches my eye in the rearview mirror again and gives me a wink. "What did he save you from, anyway? A snake?"

I try to hide my smile. "Yes, a snake."

The car stops outside a moderate-looking hospital. Its white shine has dulled over the years, and one of the letter lights isn't working.

Thanking Joseph, I walk up the front steps and into the front lobby. Dazzling white lights reflect against linoleum floors, blinding me even through my sunglasses. Taking them off, I get a strong whiff of disinfectants.

Not wanting to talk to the front-desk assistant, I spin around to see the building directory. It has words I've only seen in biology class on it. Too confused, I admit defeat and walk over to the front desk.

"Hi, excuse me," I say tentatively.

The blonde assistant ignores me, continuing to clack on her keyboard.

The person in line after me coughs.

"Excuse me," I say again, adding my own cough at the end. She looks up with an annoyed expression, so I hurry on. "Do you have a patient called Calix here?"

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