06 | pizza

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"Wow, someone's dressing up today," Gold comments the next morning, giving me a once-over and smiling knowingly.

I ponder between smacking her or ducking under my covers for the rest of the day.

I'm really not dressed up. I did change out of my hoodie and sweatpants into something more flattering—jeans and t-shirts, to be exact, but that's it.

"Who're you dressing up for?" Draco asks, his mouth full of food.

"Draco! Swallow before speaking!" Rainbow chastises from the sink, the sound of running water engulfing her words.

"Lunar!" Funneh's surprised shout makes me turn towards her. "Did you dye your hair?"

What is she talking about?

I frown. "What?"

"Your hair! There's a streak of teal!"

"I-it's probably just the sun," I stammer, a sinking feeling in my stomach as I hurry to the washroom.

It wasn't a trick of sunlight.

I reach up and curl my finger around the strand of teal hair behind my ear.

Yup, that's definitely my hair.

My breath catches, and for a long second, I seem to forget how to breathe.

Lunar, snap out of it, I think to myself firmly, and force a breath in. Then another. And another.

I imagine the strand of hair turning purple, but it doesn't.

I try again. Still no results.

Never, in my whole life, has this happened.

I try closing my eyes and imagining them gone, but of course, that strand of inhuman hair is still there. The sinking feeling grows as I try various methods to re-illude that strand, but none of them work.

Why aren't my illusions working?

"Lunar! We have to go!" Funneh yells from the front door.

A strange, panicky calmness comes over me as I shout back, "Coming!" and ruffle the hair in front, making them poofy. I hurry to our bedroom and change out of my t-shirt and back into one of my comfortable, invisible hoodies.

Better not attract any attention until I figure out what's wrong with my ability.

After flinging the hood on my head, I grab my backpack and join Gold and Funneh at the front door.

Gold's sharp eyes scan me over. "You changed," she comments, though it sounds more like a question.

"Yeah. It's a bit chilly outside today." I lie.

The sun is literally cooking the plants outside, and we hear Rainbow fuss over her dehydrated lilies in the background. Gold raises an eyebrow, but she turns and walks out the door with no further question.

Why is she only oblivious when it comes to love? I think bitterly as I follow her out.

I join my siblings, including Rainbow, outside Calix's apartment building. Funneh brought Alec, who brought Kyran, much to his delight.

They all stare at me. I take the hint and press Calix's dorm number. A beep sounds off, and a second later, the front door clicks.

Funneh, Gold, and Draco along with Alec and Kyran, manage to crack everyone up and soon enough I'm laughing along with them. We arrive at Calix's level, our laughter spilling out from the elevators and into the hallway.

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