12 | conceal, don't feel

519 21 191

"Someone's moody today," Draco comments the next morning, spreading butter on his toast.

I shoot him a glare and chomp into my own toast. To be fair, I have been especially snappy ever since I got back yesterday.

"She's probably just stressed," Rainbow explains, pouring a cup of milk. "There are a lot of tests before spring break starts."

I frown into my bowl of cereal. My reflection frowns back.

The truth is, I discovered that my eyes are turning back to their natural colour—lilac. I actually prefer my eyes that way; they make me look so much more enigmatic and interesting. But they're not exactly normal, and that's the last thing I need right now: more suspicion.

"I'm going over to Calix's after school again." I try to sound nonchalant, but who am I fooling?

"Again?" Draco doesn't let me slip away. I swear, my siblings are more invested in my dating life than my parents are.

"He just doesn't want to fail," I explain, feeling like I shouldn't have to.

"I mean, can you blame him?" Funneh half grimaces, half chuckles. "What subject are you helping him on?"


"Ah," Gold nods, as if that explains everything. "He's smart to have picked the best artist in the school as his tutor."

Rolling my eyes, I scoff, "Yeah, right." A betraying blush still threatens to expose itself.

"Meet up with me to walk home together after?" Rainbow cuts in, pausing her search for cookie ingredients to look up.

I almost nod before remembering something: I'm meeting the old lady tonight. Excitement rises up at the thought of living a normal life tomorrow. "You can go home without me, I'll probably be at his house for a long while."

"I can wait. I have a late shift tonight anyway."

Um. Okay. Don't panic, Lunar.

"I might be going on a late-night walk, so you should go without me."

"Late-night walk with whom? Calix?" Draco singsongs the last part, and I grab the closest weapon—a banana—to throw at him, but Rainbow quickly cuts in.

"Alright, don't fight. I'll wait for you for as long as I can, okay? When you're done, just text me."

Relieved, I give a nod to Rainbow, a dirty look at Draco, and leave to get ready.

I wait for Calix at our usual place after school. He arrives earlier than usual, giving me a big smile. My stomach feels warm enough to melt butter.

Ew. I hate the gushy thoughts I have around him.

"How was your day?" I lean down to grab my bag, but as usual, he takes it first and carries it for me.

"Ugh, don't even ask. I have the worst teachers ever this semester. I swear they're all in some sort of a cult, plotting against me."

"They probably are. If they are, I would like to join."

"To spy for me? Aw—"

"No, to give them more ideas."

He groans. "You'll be the death of me, Lunar."

"Not if I die first."

I meant that as a joke, I really did. But... well, there's a truth to it. Unless The Old Lady helps me tonight, which, hopefully, she does.

Of course, Calix's sharp mind doesn't let that one slip easily. He gives me a scrutinizing look, to which I try to stare back, but end up looking away and avoiding eye contact.

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