19 | revelation

441 17 73


"Lunar, can you hear me?"


My eyes flutter open as something cold touches my cheek.

"She's awake!" Calix calls out as he helps me sit up on the couch, abandoning the ice pack he was holding.

"Lunar! Thank God, I thought I killed you!" Draco's hands are white, and his eyes are... almost teary.

I chuckle. "Have you been crying, Draco?"

He sniffs. "No."

"Don't worry; you're definitely not strong enough to kill me." I open my arms and Draco comes in for a hug. We both know how much we hate hugging.

"How do you feel?" Rainbow comes over and squats in front of me, examining my face.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "Did I pass out?"

"Yeah. We thought you died!" Funneh shouts, raising her hand to whack my head, but Calix grabs her wrist before she can make contact. "Oh, right, sorry!"

"It seems that Gold's theory about the foreheads was right," Rainbow stands up. "Draco didn't hit you that hard either."

"Didn't feel like it," I grumble, reaching up a tentative finger to my forehead.

"Now we know how to get rid of the witch! Just repeatedly stab her forehead!" Draco exclaims with a proud expression on his face.

I snort. "Good luck with that plan."

"Lunar's right; we need an actual plan." Gold takes out another notepad and pencil before taking her seat at the dining table.

My siblings follow her to the dining table, bouncing ideas off each other.

"What if she stabs herself?" Draco offers, and my sisters laugh.

"I wish, Draco," I mutter quietly.

"How're you doing?" Calix asks softly as I curl my knees up to my chest on the couch.

I sigh in response.

Calix stands up, an air of determination around him. "Let's go for a walk."

"A walk? Right now?" I stammer, but he's already dragging me out the door.

"We'll be back soon! I'll protect her!" Calix shouts before the door closes.

"You'll protect me? How?" A giggle escapes.

Oh lord, did I just giggle?

"With my stick," Calix grins at me, twirling an invisible stick around.

A warm Spring breeze greets us as we arrive downstairs.

"I can't believe it's almost Spring," I say wistfully, looking at the blooming flowers around us. When my gaze returns to Calix, he's holding a small dandelion.

"For you," he says and tucks it behind my ear.

My blush blooms more ferociously than the flowers. "Yellow isn't really my colour, but thank you." My fingers reach up to stroke the flower.

Calix gasps, blinking his eyes rapidly at my fingers.

"Is something wrong?" I snatch my fingers back, but they're fine; no wounds or blood.

"Am I crazy?" Calix whispers. "Put your finger back to the flower again, Lunar."

Frowning, I do as he says. He gasps again.

"Should I be concerned—" I start, but he grabs my other hand excitedly, cutting me off.

"You can do magic!" He exclaims.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "I... think we've established that. Could, by the way; I can't anymore."

"No, you just did magic! You just changed the colour of that dandelion!" Calix gently takes my hand touching the dandelion and puts it in front of me. "See?"

My eyes widen. The dandelion, which seconds ago was yellow, is now a light lilac colour.

Did I do that?

My fingers loosen and the dandelion drops on the ground, yellow once more.

"Lunar! This is great! We must tell the others!" Calix rushes back up the stairs but stops when I don't move. "Lunar?"

"Are you sure that was me? I mean, I haven't used my ability in so long, and it was broken before, and—"

"It's magic, Lunar," he doubles back, staring deep into my eyes. "And you're the best sorceress I've ever met. Don't doubt yourself."

"The only," I correct, smiling, "sorceress you've ever met."

"No, I've met Abigale—but then again, she's a witch." Calix grins as I let out a soft chuckle. "Come on, I'm sure your siblings will be thrilled."

They are thrilled.

"Lunar! That's awesome!" Funneh exclaims when Calix finishes re-telling our revelation, giving me a high-five.

"One small problem: the illusion fades as soon as I stop making physical contact with the object." I wring my hands together anxiously, but my siblings don't seem fazed by that small inconvenience.

"That's okay!" Gold reassures, crumbling up all the paper they had scribbled on and throwing it in the recycling bin. "New plan guys; and this time, we're including Lunar's magic."

"Are you sure Abigale will come?" I whisper-ask Draco, who gives a firm nod.

"Yes! She has been roaming around Rainbow's bubble tea shop every day for the past few days. I bet she was looking for you," he says darkly.

Night has fallen, the darkened sky bringing unwanted flashbacks of the last time I was out in the forest this late.

"You guys should go," I say to my siblings, who give me firm nods.

"Stay safe, Lunar," Rainbow places a gentle palm on my cheek.

I force a smile out. "I should say the same for you guys."

Draco salutes me while Gold winks and Funneh gives me a thumbs-up. Gold walks at the back while Funneh walks behind her, leaving Rainbow to guard their backs as they make their way to the centre. Draco disappears within the forest, but I know he's somewhere near, guarding the forest from anyone who's thinking of taking a midnight stroll.

Calix, Alec, and Kyran are coming in from the other side of the forest, hoping to surround Abigale. That is, if she comes.

I didn't want to admit it, but I'm having doubts about this plan they've come up with. Still, I try my best to clear my mind of all the important details, leaving only the miscellaneous everyday thoughts.

I'm wearing a simple jacket with no hood, allowing my unconcealed hair to play with the breeze. The tips of my elven ears poke out, but I make no move to hide them.

I'm done hiding.

"Lunar," a familiar hoarse voice whispers in my ear, sounding pleasantly surprised.

"Abigale," I say flatly, my lilac eyes scanning around for the witch.

She appears in front of me, still shrouded in the same cloak. "I've been looking for you."

"So have I." Without thinking, I raise my right leg and kick her straight in the forehead.

Let the Cleansing begin.

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